Virtual meetings: 7 resources

All of us in the association space with any connection to in-person events have been on a crazy learning ride. How do we create powerful virtual events? Here’s what I’ve been reading lately.

  1. 4 Ways to Help Attendees have a Successful Virtual Conference Event – key takeaway: the power of the pre-event orientation
  2. How to Implement Participant-driven Breakouts (in zoom; this is part of 3 posts – read all) – key takeaway: running 3 questions break-out in zoom
  3. Getting Attendees Ready to Network at Your Virtual Event – key takeaway: the power of an event app in a virtual meeting
  4. How to Host a Virtual Networking Event – key takeaway: icebreaker question ideas
  5. Webinars into Networking Events – key takeaway: tapping the power of Twitter feed, LinkedIn, hashtags and more
  6. 20 Virtual Event Ideas – key takeaway: use an event host, consider a thought leader who can help attendees zero in on needs/opportunities
  7. 8 Tips for Making Meaningful Connections at Virtual Networking Events & Online Career Fairs – key takeaway: good tips to share with attendees

What are you reading?