Are You Listening? Ask JP #071



Hello everybody, welcome to Ask JP. I am flipping the tables today and asking you guys a question. Are you listening? Are you listening to your members and prospects and people that you might bring to your association? Are you surveying these people on a regular basis? Do you have a recruitment and retention process that is around listening to them and what they want from your organization/find valuable?
I am not talking about a list of features and services, but how they’re benefited by their membership through your association. Here’s why it is so important. I believe the things that they’re doing as a business have changes in the last 12 to 15 months.
So, if you listened three years ago, I guarantee you things are different. The time to listen is right now and the closer you get to the people in your industry, by listening, the better you are going to be.
Reachout to JP for any questions to start your year strong by using the form below . We’ll be in contact shortly: [pardot-form id=”16777″ title=”TMC – How Can We Help 1″]


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