Part 2: Straightforward Association Blogging Strategies

See how to continue your journey to improve your association blogging techniques. Take some time to learn how to craft the actual article.

It doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Simply focus on one new tactic every time you blog and soon you’ll be generating blog posts that help your members, your organization, and your industry.

Missed the first installment? Begin better blogging now. Download the guide right now and put these techniques to work. It’s the key to making your efforts pay off by driving traffic to your website and gaining online exposure.

To blog or not to blog is not a question. Get your copy of
How to Write an Association Blog People Will Actually Read.

Write a Great Headline

The headline is possibly THE most important aspect of a blog post because it is typically the first thing to grab the reader’s attention. Headlines are also critical to search engine algorithms.

Headlines should:

  • Have an eye-catching title
  • Be clever
  • Include a teaser line (meta-description)
  • Be crafted with search engines in mind

Make It Digestible

Leave the “supersizing” to fast food joints. Think bite-size with your blog. Set post-length parameters. Keeping it short improves readability and keeps the reader’s attention. 300-500 maximum word count is a good goal.

Get all the techniques for successful association blogging in
How to Write an Association Blog People Will Actually Read.

Be Helpful, Instructional, Compelling, Interesting, and Entertaining

Your blog articles should provide the answers to the questions your audience is asking.

  • Develop an angle by taking a boring topic and asking yourself the 5 Ws (who, what, where, when, and why).
  • Use real facts, numbers, and data.
  • Address the challenges your audience is facing.
  • Share real-life examples.

Be Accurate & Credible

Get your facts straight Remember, trust is earned. Give credit to your sources.

  • Write Well. Edit. Proof.
  • Pay attention to grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  • Then proofread it again.
  • Ask someone else to edit the piece.

The final installment of Straightforward Association Blogging strategies will touch on four important tactics for successful posts.

Editor’s note: This article was originally posted on May 15, 2018. It has been updated.

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