My Top Business Tip




My daughter, Grace is home from college and we were chatting about business and some of things that make you successful. It heartens me that at her age – she has an active interest. But, from our conversation, one aspect came up that is so basic – you’re going to laugh. But, I’ve seen folks miss this consistently and I want to address it.
My top tip? RETURN PHONE CALLS. It’s that simple. This action contributes to the cadence of business and I absolutely guarantee you, if you consistently return calls, you will have more opportunities to work with people. Consistently returning calls (in a timely fashion) enhances your reputation and you will be known as a “go-to” person. Trust me on this.
I know some good people – excellent execs who are known as people who do not return calls. And, I know it’s cost them business. I also know someone else in the business who works hard and regularly returns calls – at like 5:35 pm. Now, he knows he’s calling at a time when folks won’t be there. He’s checking the “box,” with no intention of engaging you. Intent is really important here.
Return calls. Try to do so within 24 hours. With the variety of different methods to reach back out to people –  email, instant messaging, texts – any of these will do the job for you, but I can tell you this: the #1 tip to pass along to your colleagues, fellow business, owners, to your kids: Return calls! It’s a fundamental element of business that tends to be overlooked today.
Hope this is helpful. And, if you want to get in touch, give me a call. If I miss you – I’ll call you back.
If this content resonated with you, check out Life Hacks for Success in Business


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