Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't laugh - I was being frugal

I bought my home lap top in 1997. My home desk top in 2000. They have both been working, sort of. Just got a new lap top - took all the info from the other two, combined it, bought a new wireless router. Wow, what a difference. Fast, clean, organized, better. It took some time, cost some money - but I can be much more productive. I can use it, instead of fight with it. (Almost took a hammer to it the other day when I had to unplug from the modem for the 10th time that night.) My new I-photo even has face recognition software. I am amazed at what I can now accomplish.  Do yourself a favor.  When it's time to replace your systems, don't prolong the agony, bite the bullet and do it. You can't fight mother nature and you can't fight the technological advances that keep slamming into our lives. So enjoy.

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