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12.01.10 #SMfastfwd: a recap

I’d like to extend a special thanks to Shonali Burke ( shonali) who served as a guest panelist on the 12.01 edition of #SMfastfwd. Thanks, Shonali, for providing such great insights and interaction during the tweetchat!

Here’s the recap:

#SMfastfwd– Q1: Introduce yourself in 1 tweet. Who are you? What do you do? What’s your favorite cereal? You know… the basics.

tracibrowne: I’m a trade show and conference producer, a mix of b2b and consumer, don’t like cereal

shonali: cont: Also, I don’t eat cereal. Eggs and toast for me, thank you very much. Washed down with tea, not coffee.

ChristinaatHP: #SMfastfwd– Hi All! Christina here . I work at #HP , Public Sector Marketing I love cereal…Golden Grams are the best.

tammytilley: Tammy: marcomm/pr/writer/editor/SM/loads other. Love writing above all. Work for GREAT med society HQ’d in Atlanta.

bsaunders: #SMfastfwd – I’m a writer. My playpen is translating complex ideas into plain language. I don’t eat cereal – trying to do the protein thing.

NCCmeet: Sarah Vining (@dctravelgirl) Mktg for The National Conference Center. Cereal is my favorite food – Rice Chex

#Smfastfwd– Q2: What % of your work day is spent on #socialmedia? What other responsibilities do you have? (thanks @claudiabia)

shonali: I spend probably 40-70% of my work day in SM, either creating or engaging. Other: strategy, client contact, writing & admin.

bsaunders: #Smfastfwd Clients increasingly ask for SM help. Some try to skip the marketing plan step unfortunately.

transpr: Between overseeing and doing, 20%

shanerhyne: #SMfastfwd I monitor social media activity throughout the day, but my time also includes more traditional tasks, research, etc.

ChristinaatHP: #Smfastfwd 25% of my day is spent on SM. The rest of the day is spent on pr, demand generation and other sales & revenue program

TRLeVeque: Avg 10% overall…few minutes all day long…Investigations supervisor & #SM coord as ancillary duty for dept. You throw the avg off on Wed with #SMfastfwd Jay! Good investment though!!

lantista: 10-15% of my day on #socialmedia. mostly emails, #advertising, and misc. #pr

NCCmeet: I try to blog Mondays and will tweet relevant articles.Try not to spend too much, more so making sure we’re present in all..

jazambos: roughly 25% also manage CRM, reporting, business process and web listings (driven by database)

#SMfastfwd– Q3: Who have you recently started following on Twitter and now already consider them a must-follow? Why?

shonali: I recently came across @TweetforAmrit and think he’s killer smart. I love finding folks outside of the US SM drone zone.

NCCmeet: Hmmm… @TNVacation has a good platform/ideas for us to follow but I’d have to go with @MeetingsMHJ I love their blog

claudiabia: I would say the folks at @nastephen/somet list … great minds on social media!

ericlukazewski: I’d been following @kikilitalien for some time, but after meeting at #ecec10 & watching her VidChat, I became a big fan

shanerhyne: Recently began following @augieray & some guy called @ChatterBachs. Good folks to read.

#SMfastfwd– Q4: How are your interactions with the public changing w/ the use of #socialmedia? In what ways can you improve?

CygnetUpdates: helping me connect with people around the world with exciting new ideas

marocmama: I’m always thinking how to use social media integration into our daily operations/interactions

ericlukazewski: Opportunities for interaction have increased dramatically but QUALITY of interaction is something that always needs attention  It’s also important to recognize and dismiss the temptation to replace quality with quantity with building social networks.

shonali: It’s not so much the “public” for me as for clients. When they “get” conversation/response element, like a switch is flipped. I think there’s always room for education & improvement. Things change quickly in the space, so one has to keep up. Personally (as well as for my own work), I’ve found SM to be an amazing bridge & conversation starter offline as well. Eg, I was in London last week. @Bryce_Keane & @a_double_tt organized a tweetup with several folk I’d never met IRL.  I’ve seen for a while now how SM can help build offline relationships but it never ceases to amaze me. Quite cool.  In general, I think companies are starting to understand that SM-savvy customers expect to talk to them *in* SM.

DKRex: I want to extend new library materials acquisitions to followers

TRLeVeque: Increased accessibility, improved relationships with local media, quick info exchange, positive marketing…and on…

suzannecarawan: biggest thing is people “get” the brand–rapport is already built and now you are talking to ppl who’ve decided they like u

claudiabia: Now everything gets out there faster(for better or worse). I’m trying to do more of what is working and changing what is not

DKRex: w/ SM I can get the meat of the issue on many topics quickly; my speediness of dissemination impresses my bosses who don’t use SM

shanerhyne: #SMfastfwd– I’m finding more opps to use as media relations tool. Improve: want to be more consistent in my use & helpfulness to others.

bsaunders: I recently attended a conference, met a dozen people I knew only online. It felt like we were old chums. Photos help!

#SMfastfwd– Q5: What are the biggest challenges your org faces with regard to #socialmedia/new tech?

CygnetUpdates: keeping up with everything –

TRLeVeque: Easy! Education & teaching common sense use to our own! Along with policy building & best practice.

marocmama: age hurdle for me – older co workers don’t get it and don’t like it…younger realize importance and enjoy it!

ericlukazewski: Faith & patience. Metrics and results aren’t instantaneous _Michael_Long_: #SMfastfwd biggest challenge is using sm in the right ways, not just for pushing product/events – but building community

dcoriale: Converting the inactive with great things to say to the active participant – not enough time is commonly the issue

shonali: Education is going to remain a need, as well as understanding that cos. aren’t losing control, didn’t have it to begin with. I think the pace of change is overwhelming for some, it takes time for orgs to wrap their heads around it.

VisitFingerLake: I think locals forget that SM is not related to local ~ comments directed to those outside this region (education)

DKRex: being relevant, witty and engaging when using SM

shanerhyne: #SMfastfwd I think challenges include focusing on defined strategy & not being distracted by newer opportunities. Also adoption rate of digital tools amongst all people + training on right tools for individual needs.

lantista: Deciding on what audience we are targeting, how to effectively address their needs through SM, & how to get the word

#SMfastfwd– Q6: Where have you seen a successful integration of #socialmedia/new tech with events/conferences? (thanks @Kelly_Ryan_)

CygnetUpdates: most definitely #SoMeT (Social Media in Tourism Symposium) ericlukazewski: On a larger scale in trade shows, #IMTS2010 did a great job of sprinkling variety, quality and education to attendees

bsaunders: I’m also really enjoying watching my high school systematically build its social media efforts. #SMfastfwd w/comm director

LindaChreno: the reach of SM for an assn is unbelievable; posts travel & travel, you have to be aware of that when and how you post am also following my h.s. IT director’s tweets and blogs on tech in education (@fredbartels)

lantista: Oct. Depression Screening Day for my assoc. National recognition from APA. Working on creating buzz for 2011 convention.

#SMfastfwd– Q7: What books/publications have you added recently to your ?to read? list? Why these selections?

bsaunders: Q7: Yikes, too many to mention. I just reread “The Cluetrain Manifesto.” VisitFingerLake: just bought another 2 yr subscription to #FastCompany. Yes ~ a subscription 2 paper. Never disappoints.

shanerhyne: #SMfastfwd I’m feeling overwhelmed with my “To Read” list lately. Feel like I should dump it & start over. Have been working my through the @DMScott edited “New Rules” series, though.

shonali: Ack. Hmm, ok, more online, @spinsucks and @hackmanj‘s blog. Great stuff. Also anything @tinu writes. why – b/c they are original, fun and very informative without making me feel like I’m being talked down to. also @3HatsComm (PR/SM smarts) @ExtremelyAvg (amazing writer) @AlexandraFunFit (hilarious).

DKRex: I’m still reading Brains on Fire and doing audio books from Gordon Graham’s reading list

claudiabia: With Kindle.. more stuff that I can keep up with. 🙂

#SMfastfwd– Q8: What takeaways do you have from the 12.01 edition of #SMfastfwd?

jazambos: #SMfastfwd It’s good to know I’m not alone out here!

DKRex: more new interesting ppl to follow — i m so shallow  It’s all abt the new books to add to my reading list!

LindaChreno: there are more great conversations out there about SM that provide insight & tips – need to visit them more often #assnchat #SMFastFwd

shonali: Takeaways? You mean we’re supposed to be learning while doing this “social media” thing? :p

shanerhyne: #SMfastfwd Takeaways? I need to set aside more time to: connect with folks like this, to listen, and to read.

TRLeVeque: Similar issues public v private & continuing to build relationships in #sm = improving & learning! #SMfastfwd

claudiabia: Its always great to connect with people and find new interesting people to follow! 🙂

lantista: Keeps me vigilant in my efforts to utilize SM for my assoc. Others’ success remind me why I use it in the first place.

And one comment I just couldn’t leave out…

DKRex: More ppl should only speak in 120 when in public

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. December 5, 2010 at 4:07 am

    What a great #smfastfwd! I love the mix of fields and positions, so it is neat to see their different perspectives. Handy Q’s, too!

  2. December 15, 2010 at 4:16 pm

    VERY belated thanks for including me; I had a great time!

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