A 90-Day Guide to Tech Infrastructure Assessment for Your Association

One of the things that I hear from association execs when we start talking about technology needs is that they don’t know where to start.

Their quest begins with an attempt at a list of tools collected by IT on a spreadsheet. This is often accompanied by an uncomfortable growing awareness that there is some tech – large, looming, possibly grotesque in their psyche – that they need to budget for. That’s usually when we get called in to do a Digital Strategy (a.k.a. “Digital Transformation”) project.

But not every association has the resources for that kind of project.

Here is a simple 90-day roadmap that compartmentalizes the steps in a digital technology infrastructure assessment into a digestible, actionable guide that can be valuable for associations aiming to assess their technological infrastructure.

Not everyone can afford to enter into a full-fledged Digital Strategy Project that includes a Digital Tech Infrastructure Assessment. So here is a guide to doing one on your own in 90 days.

A time-based plan can provide structure, encourage accountability, and make the task less overwhelming. 

Let’s break it down.

image shows a woman facing away from the viewer organizing blocks of different sizes.

Image created by DALL·E 2023-09-05

A 90-Day Guide to Digital Tech Infrastructure Assessment for Your Association

Day 1: Initial Inventory

Task: Inventory Current Tools

Start by compiling a comprehensive list of all your association’s technology tools broken down by department. Include everything—software, hardware, databases, and platforms. Even if you think something is not relevant, jot it down.

This step is useful for finding where rework and duplication are happening. It’s also helpful in areas that can get more complicated, like Meetings and Events, where there can be a mix of hardware, outside services, etc., depending on certain types of software being used.

Day 1 to 30: Planning and Surveying


  1. Survey/Talk with Staff: In the first week, circulate a simple survey among your staff members. Aim to understand their comfort level and satisfaction with the current tools. Gather this data for analysis.
  2. Identify Pain Points: By Day 15, use the survey data and your own observations to pinpoint where your current tech infrastructure is lacking. Create a list of these pain points.
  3. List How Tech Does/Does Not Meet Strategic Objectives: Use the last 15 days of the first month to map how your technology stack either contributes to or hinders your association’s strategic objectives.

Day 31 to 60: Exploration and Budgeting


  1. Budget Assessment: On Day 31, outline a budget for possible technology upgrades or replacements.
  2. Identify Potential Solutions: Identify alternative technology solutions between Day 35 and Day 50. Some vendors offer free demos or trial periods—take advantage of these. Try to limit to the top 2-3 alternatives for solutions that you think are the highest priority for needing to be reviewed and replaced.
  3. Consult Industry Peers: Spend days 51 to 60 reaching out to colleagues in similar associations or consult industry reports to see what technologies others find compelling or particularly effective.

Day 61 to 90: Decision and Implementation


  1. Test (when needed): Run a small pilot test of the chosen technology if possible. If the tool offers a trial period, this would be the best time to use it.
  2. Review and Decide: Around Day 75, convene your core team to review your findings and make a decision.
  3. Implement + Train: The last 15 days should be dedicated to the rollout of the new technology. Make sure you allocate some time for staff training as well.

Ready to Transform Your Association’s Tech Infrastructure?

Don’t let another day go by without aligning your technology with your association’s objectives. Get a tailored assessment or take part in our upcoming webinar to bring your tech infrastructure into the future, today.

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