How to Get More Patients Leads with Healthcare Marketing

March 6, 2024

In the evolving healthcare landscape, one tactic has become essential for healthcare providers and organizations to attract more patient leads: digital marketing.

That’s because an increasing number of patients are now using the Internet and social media to address their healthcare needs.

It’s crucial for healthcare organizations and medical practices to adjust accordingly and shift away from traditional marketing strategies and fully embrace digital marketing to locate, engage with and satisfy patients needs effectively.

But where should you begin?

Consider the approach taken by Vein Specialist Centers (VSC).

When InStyle magazine sought expert advice on treating varicose veins, they turned to specialists at VSC, a leading authority in the field, for an interview. The resulting coverage appeared at the top of the magazine’s homepage and was later picked up by Yahoo Life!. Together, the story reached an audience of over 14 million unique visitors a month.

This case study shows how digital marketing through public relations can boost your practice’s visibility affordably. Below, we delve into more medical marketing strategies, beginning with the tactic that makes the most headlines.

Increase Media Visibility Through PR

Endorsements from third-party sources like news outlets instantly increase your credibility, unlike self-proclaimed expertise that’s often met with skepticism.

A strong media relations strategy is one of the best ways to enhance your practice’s visibility and get those critical third-party sources.

The tactics vary. They can include press releases detailing newsworthy achievements, non-promotional contributions to trade publications, or—in the case of VSC, which capitalized on headline monitoring and timely pitching—interviews on health-related topics with magazines, podcasts, and TV newscasts.

Media visibility positions your practice as an authority in your healthcare field, which helps recruit patients.

Leverage Geofencing

Geofencing is a digital marketing strategy that allows healthcare providers to focus their advertising efforts on individuals within a specific geographic location.

The technique involves creating virtual perimeters around your practice or competitors’ locations, allowing you to deliver targeted ads directly to the smartphones of those within these boundaries.

For instance, you could target potential patients by setting geofences around community centers and pharmacies, sending them tailored notifications about check-ups, flu shot reminders or health tips about trending health topics.

Geofencing is an exceptionally beneficial strategy for medical practices looking to target audiences from the surrounding area or at specific events, even if they’re in a different town, state or country.

Optimize for Search Engines with SEO

About 77% of patients use Google or another search engine to find a healthcare provider and book an appointment. But unless you rank high on the first couple of pages, you won’t be their first click—or second or third.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important things you can do to enhance your website’s ranking and online presence, making it easier for potential patients to find your services. Implementing healthcare-specific keywords, creating quality content and optimizing your site’s user experience are among the leading strategies to improving your SEO.

Boost SEO with Blogs

Many statistics underscore the benefits of blogging for your business profile. Among the pact, three stand out:

In other words, writing educational blogs is good for your business and content marketing strategy.

By blending original content with industry keywords, blogs provide healthcare professionals with a platform to highlight their expertise, share success stories and trends, and discuss medical advancements, differentiating themselves from competitors and helping recruit new patients.

Blog posts, along with news stories, are also among the most shared items on social media in addition to videos.

Strengthen Your Social Media

Studies show that 57% of patients consider a healthcare provider’s social media presence when choosing a new doctor.

And after they choose, nearly a third post about their experiences at the practice on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

No wonder 60% of doctors, from family practices to large medical centers, say that social media marketing is one of the best ways to improve patient care.

Social media platforms provide a cost-effective means of reaching a broad audience, allowing healthcare practices to showcase their services, expertise and patient testimonials. By maintaining an active presence on social media, healthcare providers can stay connected with current patients, attract new ones, and even address common medical queries or concerns in real time.

Social media marketing also offers the opportunity to participate in health-related conversations, establish thought leadership and ultimately enhance brand visibility and reputation in the digital landscape.

Capitalize on Video Marketing

The numbers don’t lie: People read blogs and news stories. But they watch videos more.

A lot more.

Research shows that four times as many people would rather watch a video than read content when seeking healthcare information online. That includes your current and potential patients.

Video marketing in healthcare is highly effective for engaging audiences and conveying complex information. For instance, testimonial videos featuring satisfied patients build trust, with 72% of consumers saying positive testimonials increase their trust in a business.

Additionally, shareable video content across social media platforms can expand a healthcare practice’s reach and attract new patients through informative and engaging content.

Craft Personalized Email Campaigns

Healthcare email marketing reportedly has an average open rate of 46.67% and a click rate of 2.68%, two figures that show healthcare email marketing remains a powerful outreach tool despite the average cluttered inbox.

Personalized email campaigns can significantly increase patient engagement by providing relevant and timely information tailored to each recipient. Whether it’s automated appointment reminders, overarching health tips or updates on new services, email personalization can make your patients feel valued and more connected to your practice.

Revamp Your Branding and Logo

What’s the first thing potential clients see when researching you on social media?

It’s the same thing they see when they flip through your print advertisement, drive past your billboard or walk by your practice.

Your profile image. More specifically, your logo.

Branding and logo design play a crucial role in the marketing endeavors of healthcare practices, serving as the initial impression across all digital and physical collateral, such as brochures, business cards, postcards and other promotional items, communicating visually and emotionally with potential patients.

And the branding must be consistent across all channels—PR, social media, video content, blogs and digital —to foster the kind of trust and recognition that pulls in more patients and retains them for years.

Launch a New Website

You can’t sell and promote your business 24/7. Neither can your staff. But your website can.

A professional, informative website should be the cornerstone of your healthcare practice’s online presence. It establishes trust and credibility through high-quality content, user-friendly design and valuable information such as services offered, practitioner bios and patient testimonials.

Your website is the online front desk of your practice, drawing in potential patients and improving their experience through functionalities such as online appointment scheduling and informative blogs. Add in SEO and watch your visibility climb in search engine rankings. Same with online traffic.

It’s the cornerstone for all your online marketing strategies. All your digital advertising, social media and geofencing initiatives take patient leads at this final stop.

For more information on how to effectively position your medical practice across all platforms, reach out to our expert healthcare marketing team at CMA today.