Leadership … Continued Discussion 9/9/09

In this post I want to surface a quote from Ken Blanchard, the author of The Heart of a Leader, in which this quote appeared, and other important texts in management and leadership.  And the quote I want to discuss is, “An effective leader will make it a priority to help his or her people produce good results in two ways: making sure people know what their goals are and doing everything possible to support, encourage, and coach them to accomplish those goals.” This quote fits hand in hand with the D. Michael Abrashoff quote given in my 5/17/09 post, “A great leader defines excellence and then inspires his team to exceed it by encouraging creativity and innovative business practices.” Both quotes speak to providing clear and specific guidance and then inspiring and supporting excellence in the pursuit of goal attainment.

I am a strong believer in hiring the “right” people, growing them to another level, and providing them with everything they need to succeed at their jobs, whether that be providing resources or empowerment or encouragement.  And this touches on yet another quote from Blanchard, “… the best leaders are those who understand that their power flows through them, not from them.” To grow the kind of workplace environment that breeds success, leaders must be openly and honestly invested in those whom they lead.  They must grow and mentor their charges whenever possible … not just when it is most convenient for the leader.  They must make them part of the decision-making process.  They must empower them to utilize their abilities and take action.  And, they must encourage them through good times and bad.  Effective leaders are part of the answer, not the answer.  They facilitate, encourage and inspire.

It is too, too easy for a leader to overly lean on their successes and believe that they alone have the true vision necessary to define the road to success.  When I have witnessed this occurrence in staffs and boards alike, especially if a reoccurring theme, I have also witnessed diminishing involvement on the part of those who would follow such a leader.  And once the input of others becomes minimized, so too do decisions-made become less rich.  The diversity of opinion to be found within a stakeholder community can paint a very different picture than the one that a single person would arrive at.  An effective leader proactively seeks the input of others and modifies his/her thinking accordingly.  To do otherwise diminishes the opportunity for success to be achieved and diminishes the strength and vibrancy within a following … further impacting success.

Looking again at Blanchard’s opening quote in this post, involving others in the process and providing a very clear definition of what success looks like creates a strong foundation upon which success can indeed be built.  Then, it is an ongoing process of the leader serving as an effective sounding board and ensuring that all necessary resources and support are provided to ensure that his/her charges have every opportunity to succeed at their pursuits that ensures such.

Author Cross-references:

Ken Blanchard: Also see posts 3/29/10, 4/19/10, 5/11/10

D. Michael Abrashoff: Also see posts 5/17/09, 7/7/09

Key Word Cross-references:

Communication/Effective Speaking: Also see posts: 12/12/08, 3/4/09, 5/17/09, 6/26/09, 7/7/09, 11/20/09, 1/4/10, 1/29/10, 2/24/10

Empowerment: Also see posts 12/12/08, 1/16/09, 2/18/09, 5/17/09

Encouragement: Also see post: 1/13/09, 3/29/10

Inspiration/Motivation: Also see posts 1/16/09, 2/3/09, 2/18/09, 2/25/09, 5/17/09, 6/5/09, 6/26/09, 2/18/10, 2/24/10, 5/11/10

Listening: Also see post 8/3/09, 10/26/09, 1/29/10, 3/29/10

Mentoring/Nurturing/Developing: Also see posts 12/8/08, 12/12/08, 1/13/09, 2/6/09, 2/28/09, 6/5/09, 7/7/09, 9/15/09, 10/26/09, 12/5/09, 1/6/10, 3/29/10

Workplace Environment: Also see posts 12/12/08, 1/28/09, 2/6/09, 2/19/09, 7/7/09, 8/3/09, 1/6/10, 4/19/10


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