Friday, September 19, 2008


Arrived home last night to a flooded basement, falling ceiling, gushing water pipe. Definitely not in my plans. As I was rushing to turn off the water supply many thoughts were bombarding me. I was glad I knew where to go to get to the main water supply. (Being prepared). I was relieved that this did not happen while I was out of town for a week. (Looking on the bright side.) I had the number for a professional plumber. (Planning). I realized that no matter how much you plan, how much you prepare, there are unexpected events that happen that can't be anticipated. You have to be prepared to deal with it. Have an emergency fund, (surplus) adequate insurance coverage (risk management). Adapt. Change your plans to buy that new TV - and get the damage repaired instead. Same rules apply at an association. Have the plan. Be prepared. Get insurance. Have a surplus. Be flexible. And of course, don't worry, be happy.

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