5 Reasons to Serve on Your HOA Board in 2023

1. Help Keep High Community Standards

A primary duty as a board member is to uphold the standards within the development of the community. This is done by looking out for the best interest of the community in every area. Keeping high standards will keep property values steady, and even increase the value of the community.

When you volunteer to serve on the HOA board, you have an opportunity to have input and vote on issues that involve community regulations and standards.

When you serve on the HOA board, you can be more involved in your community’s endeavors to protect the investment of all residents.

2. Opportunity to Help Community Members

Most people like helping their neighbors in any way they can. If you like serving and helping your community members, then volunteer to serve on your HOA board. As a volunteer, you will be making decisions that will help others. There are those who do not want to participate, but those who are willing to volunteer can have a voice for others, share their concerns, and bring them to the board. As a member of the board, you may be instrumental in bringing on new volunteers and show the positive aspects of the HOA to residents.

3. Opportunity to Help Solve Problems Within Your Community

As a volunteer on the HOA board, you’ll no doubt become known in the community. Neighbors will confide in you with complaints and issues they feel are important.

It’s important to remain professional in these situations. This will give you an opportunity to be a part of solving community problems. A volunteer board member can bring awareness to problems that exist unbeknown to the board.

4. Opportunity to Grow New Skills

A great reason to serve on your HOA’s board is that you will grow a vast number of new skills. You will learn leadership skills, gain teamwork and team building experience, and experience how the board operations work behind the scenes. Your communication skills and ability to make decisions will prove to be a valuable asset. Formal meeting management may be a benefit to you. If you stay on the board, you may have the opportunity to be elected to a higher leadership position.

5. Take Part in Making New Rules and Change Existing Rules

By serving on your HOA board, you have an opportunity to create change in your community. As you learn how decision making is handled, you may have opportunities to vote on rules and suggest new rules to be voted on. There may be opportunities to make suggestions on new policies, to implement and help lead a committee to carry these policies out.

If you have been thinking about getting involved in your community, volunteering on your homeowner’s association board is a great place to start. Contact your HOA office and ask how you can get involved.