Thursday, April 16, 2009

New computers

Back at it. We all have new computers. As usual we learned a few things about why not to name your hard drive with a persons name. It's hard to get rid of it once it's set. We learned again, about the importance of keeping track of passwords and serial numbers of all kinds of stuff. We learned that the cords for keyboards and the mouse have gotten much shorter and we needed to buy cord extensions. We learned that some of our ethernet cords were not long enough. And we learned that our old back up system wouldn't work with our new computers. Enough learning - already! Of course, we also learned that things just don't work exactly the same. But it's done - and we are on to the next project, a new data base. All in the name of serving our members more efficiently and effectively. It's a good thing.

1 comment:

Angela Skotterud said...

We are so happy to have new computers. Its amazing what you DON'T know!!!!