Leadership … Continued Discussion – 12/12/08

Overview: This is an ongoing discussion about leadership, built on quotes that I have assembled through the years. My intent with this blog is to grow my understanding, and yours, of this thing we call leadership.

Although growing and mentoring people is an important part of leading them (see previous posting), so too is creating the kind of workplace environment that is conducive to growth. And this leads me to quote Scott Geller, who is a professor at Virginia Tech. In an article in ISHN he stated that “effective leaders enrich their work culture and help workers become self-directed, self-accountable, and self-motivated.” Although more of an outcome of good leadership than a component of it, this does point to something that I think is often overlooked … creating a platform upon which effective leadership can occur and thrive.

It is one thing to grow people, it is quite another to put them in position to excel. And this goes well beyond providing the tools and resources to accomplish one’s job description … this focuses much more on the environment in the workplace. To be maximally effective, people need to feel that they are part of the process; that their contribution is sought after and valued; that they can put their thinking on the table; that they can take a chance and that they can fail with that chance-taking; that they can make a difference.

But none of that will occur unless there is trust in the workplace, which must come from the top down if it is to permeate the workplace. Leaders must demonstrate openness, honesty and fairness in everything they do. They must walk the talk. They must set the example.

And perhaps the first step in developing trust is with good communication. Communication is the foundation of any relationship … be it in a marriage or between a boss and an employee. Regular and meaningful communication is the prerequisite of empowerment and accountability. And without empowerment and accountability, I firmly believe that a leader’s agenda cannot be carried out effectively.

And this leads me to quote Bill George, who in his 2003 book Authentic Leadership stated that authentic leaders “are more interested in empowering the people they lead to make a difference … than they are in power, money or prestige for themselves.” True leaders gather the “right” people around them and then support and inspire them into making a difference. True leaders legitimize themselves through their actions. True leaders instill in those they lead the right and the willingness to make a difference. True leaders set the stage for those who follow them to realize success.

Author Cross-references:

Scott Geller: See also blogs 1/28/09, 2/18/09

Bill George: See also blog 2/18/09

Key Word Cross-references:

Accountability: Also see blog 2/19/09, 1/6/10

Chance-taking: Also see blogs 3/25/09, 7/7/09, 11/1/09, 3/12/10, 3/29/10

Communication/Effective Speaking: Also see blogs 3/4/09, 5/17/09, 6/26/09, 7/7/09, 9/9/09, 11/20/09, 12/5/09, 1/4/10, 1/29/10, 2/24/10

Empowerment: Also see posts 1/16/09, 2/18/09, 5/17/09, 9/9/09

Mentoring/Nurturing/Developing: Also see posts 12/8/08, 1/13/09, 2/6/09, 2/28/09, 6/5/09, 7/7/09, 9/9/09, 9/15/09, 10/26/09, 12/5/09, 1/6/10, 3/29/10

Inclusive/Open/Honest/Transparent: Also see  posts 4/20/09, 5/1/09, 7/7/09, 8/3/09, 10/26/09, 11/11/09, 1/29/10, 2/24/10, 5/26/10

Setting the Example: Also see posts 1/13/09, 3/16/09, 5/1/09, 5/17/09, 6/5/09, 7/7/09, 8/17/09, 2/24/10

Trust: Also see posts 12/16/08, 12/5/09, 2/18/10, 5/26/10

Workplace Environment: Also see posts 1/28/09, 2/6/09, 2/19/09, 7/7/09, 8/3/09, 9/9/09, 1/6/10, 4/19/10


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