Empowering Women in Tech: Navigating Career Growth

May 6, 2023 Maddie Grant

In this episode of Empowering Workplaces, we sit down with Claudia Miller, a sought-after career coach for women in tech, to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing women in the industry. Claudia shares her personal journey of navigating the corporate world as a first-generation college graduate and how she became a successful career coach. We delve into the importance of networking, developing business skills, and leveraging them to advance your career. We also explore the data that shows women graduate with many STEM degrees but often face barriers to entering and advancing in the tech industry. Join us for an insightful conversation on how women can navigate career growth in tech and break down the barriers to success.

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The post Empowering Women in Tech: Navigating Career Growth appeared first on Empowering Workplaces.

Maddie Grant

Maddie Grant, CAE, is an expert culture designer and digital strategist who focuses on helping organizations unlock the power in their culture and navigate culture change. She has specific expertise in digital transformation and generational differences in the workplace. She has explored the language of workplace culture for several years through her books, co-authored with her partner in business and life Jamie Notter, including Humanize: How People-Centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World (2011), the Amazon category best-seller When Millennials Take Over: Preparing for the Ridiculously Optimistic Future of Business (2015), the Non-Obvious Guide to Employee Engagement (2019), and Culture Change Made Easy, coming out in Fall 2023.