Association Brain Food: 3.1.24

The weekly list of free educational events and resources for the association community…

southern Utah glory, multi-colored striped mesa – inspiration for my weekly list of free educational events and resources for the association communityEducation programs. TopClass LMS shares another recap of a session from the Learning Business Summit. They describe how to apply best practices in cognitive, learning and behavioral sciences when designing education programs, so learners are more likely to retain and apply new competencies on the job.

Sponsorships. Bruce Rosenthal and Dan Kowitz offer a reality check about sponsorships. When associations canceled their conferences during the pandemic, sponsors and exhibitors found other ways to achieve their marketing goals. Companies still have money to spend, but they might not spend it with you, unless you offer what they really want. They’re looking for year-round partnerships, not just a name drop and logo display at an annual event.

Advertising. Have you heard of Connected TV (CTV) advertising? I hadn’t. Marketing General Inc. (MGI) explains how CTV reaches viewers, especially cord-cutters, that traditional advertising can’t because it appears on streaming services, smart TV apps and on-demand video platforms. It costs about the same as other digital advertising tactics.

AMS onboarding. Janna Marks at Matrix Group shares six tips for introducing new staff to your AMS. Share this one with colleagues who can build these tips into new employee onboarding. I’ve got one more tip: have them join your AMS users group and go to its events. If your AMS doesn’t have a users group, find other users and start your own.

Member expectations. Hannah Carvalho at Associations Now recaps a report from Forj that surveyed association members to better understand the expectations they have for their associations and how well their associations are living up to them. Education and community are the top priorities for members. Community-driven learning, like online cohort programs, meets both those member expectations.

AI for associations. In this success kit from Nimble AMS, you get four resources: two half-hourish webinar recordings about AI for associations and two white papers, one an introduction to AI for associations and one on developing an AI strategy.

Quick hits

Sitting for too long is bad for your health. I know you know that, but Allie Volpe at Vox shares ideas for moving your body throughout the day.

Just what you need to pretend you’re elsewhere, a bald eagle cam from Big Bear Valley in California. Nice view, too!

You never grow old at the table

Monkfish might be my favorite fish, although it’s tough to beat fresh wild salmon, which I was lucky enough to enjoy seasonally, thanks to a generous neighbor, when I lived on the west coast. Last week, we got a gigantic piece of monkfish in our seafood share. All I did was pan-fry it in a mix of butter and grapeseed oil (heavy on the butter) and squeeze lemon over it at the end. The nerve-wracking part is not overcooking monkfish. It will toughen up if you do, but I didn’t, phew.

On the side, roasted Brussels sprouts and sweet potato with red onion, bacon, garlic powder, thyme and s/p. The next night, Mummy Lorraine speckled sea trout fillets topped with a mix of crushed Ritz crackers, lemon zest, garlic powder, ground New Mexican chile and melted butter.

On Sunday, I made braised chicken thighs with salami and olives, a recipe from New Orleans chef Donald Link. So good. I served it over polenta. Here’s an easy, quick way to make polenta in the microwave.

If you’d like to subscribe, please complete the form at the bottom of this post. I won’t share or sell your email address.

If you have a free webinar or event coming up, please send me the link by Wednesday afternoon the week before it’s scheduled. I’m happy to feature it as long as it’s not too product-centric.

Fri 3/1 at 4 p.m.* – Panel Discussion: Issues Women Face at Work That Men Don’t, and How Men Can Be Allies

Our panel members will discuss issues they have faced in the workplace simply because they are women. Our discussion will also include how men can be allies at work when they see women treated differently. More info/register.

Host: Fridays@4

Speakers: Jennifer Baker, Anuja Miner, Jennifer Poff, LaToya Tapscott, and K. Malaika Walton

*All events are online at Eastern Standard Time unless otherwise noted.

Mon 3/4 at 8 a.m. – Stop the Nonprofit Board Blame Game (Radio Free 501c, the podcast of Rogue Tulips Consulting)

Every week Rogue Tulips brings the nonprofit community intriguing guests discussing vital topics affecting nonprofit organizations around the world—and we have fun doing it! Episodes are published Monday mornings in both audio and video format, available on YouTube, Spotify, Amazon Music, iHeart Radio, Apple Podcast, and Google Podcast (to name a few!).

Host: Cecilia Sepp, CAE, CNP, principal and founder, Rogue Tulips Consulting

Guest: Hardy Smith, keynote speaker, trainer, consultant, author, Hardy Smith Consulting, LLC

Tue 3/5 at 12 p.m. – Generative AI and Analytics, Part 2 (Data Analytics Network)

Explore generative AI and analytics. Planned topics include: AI rollout—introduction and implementation with your staff, policies, etc.; content attribution—copyrights, legal ramifications, etc.; custom LLMs—how to explore, implementation, etc.; and other AI besides LLMs—what other technologies should you be considering, use cases, etc. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: Data Analytics Network

Speaker: Conor Sibley, CTO, Higher Logic

Tue 3/5 at 2 p.m. – Association Chat: The Inner Lives of Effective Leaders

You may think most high-performing professionals work harder. Network more. Perform from a deep well of confidence. But could the truth be that the most effective leaders—the top 10-15%—are the most self-aware? Explore the inner lives of leaders and leadership. Discover why inner work matters more than ever in the workplace; three practices that can dramatically change how you think, what you do, and how you feel; and how to recalibrate your mindset for more ease, flow, and authentic confidence. More info/register.

Host: KiKi L’Italien, VP of Marketing and Community Engagement, Big Red M

Guest: Zovig Garboushian, Executive Coach, Speaker & Trainer, PCC, ELI-MP, Certified Change & Transitions Expert

Tue 3/5 at 1 p.m. – Drive Engagement Using Ancient Myth, Social Media and User Generated Video

The Hero’s Journey powers your favorite movies and books, and has become a key to modern marketing. In a world of intense technology change, this ancient story framework can guide us to effective member engagement and communications. Learn where technology is going and why it matters for your organization; what is the Hero’s Journey and how it applies to companies, products, brands, and member engagement; how video content is dominating the online landscape and how that changes your strategy; and how state-of-the-art tools and technology can give you access to the kinds of stories that move people to action. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speaker: Michael Hoffman, Co-Founder and CEO, Gather Voices

Wed 3/6 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. – Beyond the Hype: Harnessing the Power of AI and BI in Your AMS (Washington DC)

Explore strategic insights and practical applications of Artificial Intelligence and Business Intelligence you need to transform your association. Learn how AI and predictive analytics are transforming association processes, including membership renewal, dues processing, and reporting; how to fuel data-driven insights across every team; and how to use intelligent recommendations to drive faster decisions. Location: Washington DC. More info/register.

Hosts: Fíonta, FusionSpan, Nimble, RSM and Salesforce

Wed 3/6 at 11 a.m. – Master Employee Onboarding with Thoughtful IT: Top 7 Tips

One of the quickest ways to tarnish a new employee’s perception of your association is to throw them into a sloppy technology setup. Technology will make or break the employee onboarding experience. As top talent becomes more and more difficult to attract and retain, mastering this process becomes mission critical. Learn about IT’s critical role in a positive onboarding experience; best practices to maximize productivity, engagement, and security; and equipment recommendations to empower hybrid and remote workers. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speaker: Heinan Landa, Founder & CEO, Optimal Networks

Wed 3/6 at 12 p.m. – Leverage Your Intranet to Supercharge Knowledge Sharing

Hear best practices to help you break down silos and create greater collaboration and higher organizational awareness. Use code L-12DReid2024 for free registration.

Host: Lizabeth Wesely-Casella, CEO, L-12 Services Corp.

Speaker: Matthew Koon, engineer, Workplace Engineering

Wed 3/6 at 12 p.m. – Five Steps to Unlock the Power of Your Association’s Research

Discover how to amplify your association’s research impact with a proven five-step strategy, transforming insights into action and influence across your industry. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: AIOT

Speaker: Colleen Lerro Gallagher, CEO, OnWrd & UpWrd

Wed 3/6 at 1 p.m. – Marketing in the AI Era: Tools and Techniques for Strategic Advantage

Discover a range of easy-to-use AI tools tailored for marketing, membership, and communication roles. Delve into an array of AI marketing tools, from SEO optimization using NLP for enhanced semantic analysis and search volume insights, to email tools that optimize content curation. Learn about innovative solutions in content generation, inline editing, image creation, and AI-driven audio editing tools. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speaker: Erica Salm Rench, MBA, COO,

Wed 3/6 at 2 p.m. – The 7 Deadly Sins of Fly-ins & How to Overcome Them

Hear about mistakes to avoid when planning and executing your next fly-in, best practices for maximizing your fly-in impact, and tools and techniques to help you amplify the outcome of your event. More info/register.

Host: VoterVoice


  • Mike Fulton, Public Affairs and Advocacy, The Asher Agency
  • David Lusk, Founder, Key Advocacy
  • Stephanie Vance, Managing Partner, Advocacy Associates
  • Joshua Habursky (moderator), Deputy Executive Director and Chief Lobbyist, Premium Cigar Association

Thu 3/7 at 9:30 a.m. – Association Percolator

Check in with other association professionals every other Thursday. Here’s your chance to ask that burning question or commiserate with your peers about your latest crazy board member. More info/register.

Host: Association Marketplace

Thu 3/7 at 11 a.m. – Unleashing Transformation: Assessing Your Association’s AI Potential

Ready to automate processes, free up time for mission critical work, and ignite a spark of innovation? Assessing the maturity level of your AI tactics is essential to achieving your goals. Learn how to identify where your association falls on a scale from unaware to transformative and learn about the key characteristics that define each category. More info/register.

Host: Sidecar

Speaker: Rick Bawcum, CEO and Founder of Cimatri

Thu 3/7 at 12 p.m. – Cultivate Your Association Advantage: Your People

From engaging members to attracting top talent, learn techniques to counter workplace culture challenges, address staff exhaustion or burnout, and explore ways to activate your busy membership. More info/register.

Host: GrowthZone

Speaker: Holly Duckworth, mindful leadership advisor, Leadership International

Thu 3/7 at 12 p.m. – The CEO and the Board: Building and Maintaining a Thriving Relationship

One of the secrets of a high-performing organization is the synergy between the CEO and the board of directors. This doesn’t happen by accident. Are your directors working well together? Do they share the same vision as the chief executive? Find out what your organization can do to keep your team on point and working like a well-oiled machine. More info/register.

Host: Zzeem

Thu 3/7 at 12 p.m. – Member ROI Group

The live discussions will be predominately in CAE education domains related to member ROI on the first and third Thursdays of the month with some exceptions. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: Ed Rigsbee

Thu 3/7 at 12 p.m. – Election Year Compliance Tips for Nonprofit Organizations: Avoiding Legal Compliance Missteps

As this election year heads into full gear, many nonprofit organizations will have questions about the types of advocacy, policy, lobbying, fundraising, outreach and electoral activities they and their employees may undertake to promote their mission and policy objectives. All these activities can present legal compliance challenges relating to IRS requirements, campaign finance and lobbying rules and employment laws. Learn what kinds of activities are impermissible for 501(c)(3)  and other nonprofit organizations, what kinds of activities could result in in-kind political contributions or trigger reporting obligation, and what kinds of political activity are nonprofit employees prohibited from engaging in or permitted to engage in. More info/register.

Host: Whiteford, Taylor & Preston LLP

Thu 3/7 at 1 p.m. – Elevating Your Leadership: A Call to Learn from Your Team’s Wisdom (Part 2 of 2)

Dive into leadership practices through original research focused on one organization that harnessed the wisdom of those they lead to elevate their culture and practice. This session serves as both a guide and a case study, offering tangible takeaways and illustrating the profound wisdom leaders can extract from those they lead every day. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speaker: Ryan MacTaggart, PhD, Associate Director, Professional Learning, EDUCAUSE

Thu 3/7 at 1 p.m. – How Digital Marketers Should Prepare for 3rd-Party Cookie Deprecation

The deprecation of 3rd-party cookies on Chrome is a massive change for digital marketers. Targeting prospective customers, personalizing experiences, and tracking across different platforms will soon all work differently (and in some cases, simply not be possible). Learn about what’s changing, the impact on digital marketers, and what you should be doing now to prepare. More info/register.

Host: American Marketing Association


  • Karen Bellin, VP, Data, Analytics and Insights, NP Digital
  • Cameron Cowan, Senior Director of Product Strategy, ObservePoint
  • Dave Smith, Chief Technology Officer, ObservePoint

Thu 3/7 at 2 p.m. – Improving Email Deliverability

Hear about a practical approach to improving email delivery and best practices when constructing emails, including what to avoid and how to beat spam filters. More info/register.

Host: 501Works

Speaker: Ron McGrath, CEO and Co-founder of HighRoad Solutions

Thu 3/7 at 2 p.m. – Navigating AI and Data Privacy in the US: Policy Developments to Watch in 2024

With the landscape of data privacy and AI policy rapidly evolving, the coming months will be crucial in determining the shape of future regulations and the balance between technological innovation and individual privacy rights. Hear about the latest on data privacy and AI policy at the federal level, including executive actions and the Senate’s AI forum. Learn about actions being taken at the state level and how they could impact future policies, and the top AI issues to watch in 2024 and beyond, and what they might mean for your organization. More info/register.

Host: FiscalNote


  • Gopal Ratnam, Senior Staff Writer, CQ and Roll Call
  • Neil Suri, Consultant, FiscalNote
  • Andrew Gamino-Cheong (moderator), CTO & Co-Founder, Trustible

Fri 3/8 at 4 p.m. – Movie Discussion on 9 to 5 and Its Relevance in 2024

Join us for a networking discussion about the 1980 movie “9 to 5” and how it is still relevant today. More info/register.

Host: Fridays@4

Facilitator: Marjie George

Tue 3/12 at 12 p.m. – Tech Tuesday Slam Dunk: Successful Strategies to Manage Your IT Project Portfolio

Managing your IT project portfolio is like juggling multiple March Madness brackets—requiring skill, precision, and strategic thinking. Join an interactive discussion around diverse strategies for keeping all your IT projects running like a championship team. Share your own or discover insights on successfully navigating the chaotic yet exhilarating game of IT project portfolio management. More info/register.

Host: ASAE

Facilitators: Reggie Henry of ASAE and Dave Coriale of DelCor Technology Solutions

Tue 3/12 at 1 p.m. – 7 Tips for Marketing to Millennials

Studies show that Millennials are now the largest B2B tech buyer group, making 59% of B2B buyers, with over 30% leading the charge and making those purchase decisions. Learn seven practical tips to apply to your marketing strategy to attract this audience and pull them through your buyer’s journey from prospects to advocates. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speaker: Sam Bush, Senior Partner Marketing Manager, FloQast

Tue 3/12 at 1 p.m. – Ethical Blind Spots of AI in Education: Reimagined

AI promises revolutionary learning experiences, but without careful consideration, it can also perpetuate harmful biases and inequalities. Learn how to identify and mitigate the ethical risks of AI in their classrooms, including bias in data sets, algorithmic transparency, and strategies for human-centered AI implementation. Explore practical solutions for promoting fair and responsible AI use in your teaching practice, ensuring every student benefits from the potential of this powerful technology. More info/register.

Host: D2L


  • Van Davis, Chief Strategy Officer at WICHE Cooperative for Educational Technologies
  • Robert MacAuslan, Interim Vice President of Artificial Intelligence at Southern New Hampshire University
  • Robbie Melton, Interim Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Technology Innovation at SMART Global Technology Innovation Center
  • Cristi Ford (moderator), Vice President of Academic Affairs at D2L

Wed 3/13 at 11 a.m. – Top 8 Insider Cybersecurity Threats and How to Stop Them

Learn about insider threats—a menace that often eludes conventional IT security tools. Discover how these threats can compromise your organization’s sensitive data and operations, understand why traditional security measures fall short in detecting these threats, and more importantly, learn effective strategies to mitigate them. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speakers: Stacey Campbell, Director of Business Development, and Chris Rounds, Senior Solutions Architect, Express Info

Wed 3/13 at 12 p.m. – Elevate Your Team from the Madness Using CliftonStrengths

Find out exactly what “CliftonStrengths” is. Learn how CliftonStrengths helps teams become 6x more likely to engage in their jobs and 3x more likely to report having an excellent quality of life. Discover how teams apply CliftonStrengths to communicate more effectively, engage more actively, and achieve their goals. Hear examples of the learning content and exercises teams use to know themselves better and to identify and fill strengths-gaps within the team. More info/register.

Host: Achurch Consulting

Speaker: Rae Ann S. Johnson, Esq., legal advisor for Achurch Consulting

Wed 3/13 at 1 p.m. – Your Ads Suck: The Transformation Playbook for Skyrocketing Conversions

Get a no-nonsense, actionable guide to overhauling your social ad strategies for Meta, Google, LinkedIn, and more. Discover insider tips and strategies for crafting ads that don’t just attract eyes but actively convert them into leads and sales, ensuring your business stands out in the crowded digital landscape. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speaker: Bill McGlade, President, Community Leaders Institute & epIQ Creative Group

Thu 3/14 at 11 a.m. – Beyond Certifications: Core Principles of Membership and Corporate Recognition Programs

Hear about three membership recognition program types. Learn how to implement best practices aligned with international standards; develop recognition requirements through stakeholder engagement, industry validation, and professional review; and achieve transparency in programs through collaboration between industry leaders, professionals, and association staff to ensure fair requirements. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: UST Education

Speaker: Jeffrey Greenwald, President, Operative Greenwald, Inc.

Thu 3/14 at 12 p.m. – Managing Volunteers in a New Environment

ASAE’s Research Foundation’s latest research looked at effective models for volunteer management and organizational success based on input from about 700 association executives in 49 associations.  to map out a new vision of association volunteer systems. Find out how associations are embracing volunteer management in a changing environment. 1 CAE credit. More info/register.

Host: Association Xchange

Speaker: Peggy Hoffman, FASAE, CAE, president of Mariner Management & Marketing, LLC

Fri 3/15 at 3 p.m. – The Informal Consultants Networking Extravaganza

This monthly networking meeting is by consultants, for consultants. Feel free to suggest topics or questions for discussion. This meeting is self-organized by the consultant community, not an official ASAE event (meaning an event organized by ASAE staff). More info.

Organizer: Cecila Sepp, CAE, founder, Rogue Tulips Consulting

Association Brain Food Weekly is published Friday mornings. If your organization offers free professional development for the association community, please send me the link via email by Wednesday afternoon the week before it’s scheduled.

Creative Commons licensed photo by John Fowler via Unsplash

Amazon and links allow me to earn a royalty on any sales or leads that result from clicking. Thank you!

Author: deirdrereid

Deirdre is a freelance writer for companies serving the association market. After more than 20 years managing associations and restaurants, she's enjoying the good life as a ghostblogger and content marketing writer for the association community. Away from her laptop, you can find her walking in the woods, enjoying live music, reading hundreds of newsletters, watching hockey, cooking, hanging at the local brewery or tap room, or relaxing in a comfy chair with a good Kindle book and a glass of something tasty in hand.

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