Road Side Memorials and Member Recognition

I live and work in Oklahoma (ergo, Okie). In this part of the country, when some dies in a traffic accident, it is likely that a memorial to that person will be placed on the side of the road where the accident occurred. I admit, I don’t understand the phenomenon, (we don’t place a monument in the bed for those who die in their sleep), but they are important to those who place the memorials.

Seeing these memorials has me thinking about the way we recognize our members.
The purpose of recognizing our members is to thanks them and honor them for outstanding service, or to honor them for length of service or service in a specific role.

But does this recognition really meet our need or our members needs?

An outstanding member award says that one person is the best. But you may have 2, 3, or 300 members who provide outstanding service. Shouldn’t they all be thanked?

When I worked at OPEA we give plaques, engraved clocks, and trophies to outgoing board members, who were reelected and coming right back on the board, with no break of service. Every 2 years, long serving board members got a large plaque or clock to thank them for their service, their homes are now stuffed with OPEA recognition items. Heck, we even had an outstanding staff members award (that will bring em together).

ASAE has struggled with this with the CAE recognition. In 2003 newly minted CAE’s flew their families to Hawaii expecting to “walk across the stage”, and were surprised when that didn’t happen. ASAE allowed the 2003 and 2004 CAE’s to “walk the stage” in Minneapolis in 2004. And I expect a healthy debate about the decision to move it to a Monday morning breakfast this year.

All of us struggle with this. We want our leaders to feel recognized and appreciated for their service to their organizations. But what is the right way to recognize them for taking on the “penalty” of leadership? A plaque? Recognition at an annual meeting or event? Tickets to a special activity?

I am not sure there is a perfect answer to this one. We have to find a way for our members and leaders to feel appreciated, and what you have may be perfect for all of your members, or they may see it like a roadside monument to someone they don’t know.

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