Home > Uncategorized > #SMfastfwd with #ecec10 retrospective, 11.17.10: a recap

#SMfastfwd with #ecec10 retrospective, 11.17.10: a recap

ChatterBachs hosted a #SMfastfwd tweetchat with a retrospective on EventCamp East Coast (#ecec10) on Wednesday, November 17th. EventCamp East Coast was held in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania on November 12th and 13th; I wrote a blog post on that weekend entitled: “14 Personal Highlights from EventCamp East Coast”.  Here is a recap of the November 17th tweetchat. I’ve tried to put in a format where the actual flow is easier to follow and makes sense, background chatter has been minimized, and so that the most valuable information and insights from #SMfastfwd are presented without this blog post getting too long. Again, it was quite the flurry of activity with so many great insights and comments being contributed.  To see more, please visit http://www.whatthehashtag.com and search for #SMfastfwd.

#SMfastfwdQ1:  What did you learn in the past week that has changed your approach to your work?

tracibrowne: collaboration is enriching and rewarding… and, if you put the community first, good things will come of your event

MRIS_Cassie: @brainstrength gave me a whole new way of thinking on how to approach our hands-on trainings. I’m already starting the revamp!

LoAshley: I learned that brainstorming blog ideas in huge list form is just as helpful as it sounds

JeniseFryatt: I learned that I can run a conference session and that nothing beats person to person connection @ conferences

E5V: I learned communities can’t be forced and you can’t force others into them.

BelindaK_PMA: got some new ideas gathering leads at our New product showcase at our annual event

camerontoth: Twitter Limit # 1: 140 Characters can’t contain all my learnings from the last week.

SAWeiss: I learned how to Tweet!

#SMfastfwdQ2:  Who did you meet in the past week who has helped you to look at a challenge or opportunity differently?

LoAshley: I started to comment on the blog posts of the big fish in the industry daily, and it’s inspiring!

BelindaK_PMA: Loved that everyone had such varied backgrounds and expertise to contribute! Everyone had interesting ideas to share!

MelCMP: @carolyn_ray and her conflict management session. I have a few new ideas on how to deal with some difficult individuals

DKRex: Gordon Graham at NJEMS conf. – risk assessment – look at real cause and effect JeniseFryatt: I met @brainstrength – who has offered to give tips on marketing my improv

SAWeiss: I am researching a new Reg site – etouches that will save my org $$$. thanks to @suzannecarawan

#SMfastfwdQ3:  Who have you recently started following on Twitter and now already consider them a “must-follow”?

DKRex: following new ppl from #SMfastfwd

JeniseFryatt: I would say @ChatterBachs is my most recent #mustfollow – I really have great respect 4 his approach

eventsforgood: I am excited that @ChatterBachs is local here – I might get to tweetup with him at some point!

#SMfastfwdQ4:  What one book or publication have you added recently to your “to read” list?

JeniseFryatt: OK everyone – all together, “Brains On Fire”

MelCMP: Brain on Fire and Working with You is Killing Me. heard so much about these books that I have to get them asap

camerontoth: “Brains on Fire” and the title alone has launched the “My Blog is on Fire!!! http://ow.ly/3bmt1” Campaign!

tracibrowne: this one looks good http://www.undoingtheegotango.com/ I think I might buy it for some folks

DKRex: As a librarian, bibliographies & reading list suggestions are most welcome! eventsforgood: I think #OpenCommunity by @maddiegrant and @lindydreyer is awesome.

BelindaK_PMA: The managers guide to fostering creativity and innov in teams by Dr. Charles Prather is good read too!

#SMfastfwdQ5:  What new technology are you looking to experiment with or use more in the coming months?

MelCMP: Event Mobi for sure. was clean and easy to load on the crackberry. eventsforgood: I was so impressed with @bobvaez and the job he did for us with the #EventMobi community. Hope people keep using that!

E5V: I really want to use Storify to start building social media based articles on my site also free up a lot of writing time

ASegar: @SAWeiss told me about WeaveThePeople which looks pretty cool? camerontoth: A to Q5: New Audience Response Technologies, Social 27’s Virtual World platform, South Korean Solutions + mas

BelindaK_PMA: hoping to use QRcode (Smart tags) to gather leads in a showcase – I’m open to other ideas! Send them my way

JeniseFryatt: New skype for group chats, more video interview w/ wetoku, also fascinated by Mojo

#SMfastfwdQ6:  How do you look at what you have to offer differently than you did a week ago?

JeniseFryatt: I am much more empowered to believe in myself, own my expertise & market it. 🙂

E5V: I now look at myself as someone who teaches others, rather than just a micro reporter.

#SMfastfwdQ7: What event(s) will you attend in 2011 for your own professional growth?

ASegar: well the National EventCamp in Chicago Feb 11-13. And it looks I’ll be speaking in several places in the US & Europe in 2011.

BelindaK_PMA: Going to #pcma11 in Vegas and other #gppcma local events events – others if I can make a case for them

MelCMP: I would really love to attend Event Camp National in Chicago! I am now hooked on @eventcamp

TahiraCreates: Event camp west coast (smiles)

eventsforgood: I want to attend The Special Event, but so expensive! I also want to attend EventCamp West Coast if Jenise is putting it on! 🙂

MelCMP: @eventsforgood I attended The Special Event in ’09 and it was awesome! I would also like to attend #pcma

eventsforgood: I hope you will all most definitely attend @samueljsmith‘s Event Camp Twin Cities next year F2F – it was *incredible.*

#SMfastfwdQ8: What’s a takeaway you have from today’s #SMfastfwd?

E5V: A8: Get an iPad, because they rock at conferences. -Just add a camera first 🙂

JeniseFryatt: Q8 – You can get 8 questions into a chat and keep everyone engaged. NICE job @ChatterBachs !!

DKRex: Bigger reading list, new ppl to follow, more hashtags to explore

eventsforgood: Yes one more takeaway – @ChatterBachs has fun chats! Supportive, unique, and practices what he preaches!

The following comments were not directly related to a specific question in the tweetchat, but they were just too funny or insightful to exclude from this recap:

samueljsmith: I am happy to see everyone so excited and connected. It is fun just listening to your conversation.

JeniseFryatt: @LindsayFultz It really is nice to be on a chat where people are supporting, building each other up. @chatterbachs

JeniseFryatt: @ASegar I can see why you’ve been so anxious to spread the word about “Conferences that Work” 🙂

E5V: @chatterbachs would it be possible that you post on your site a discussion seeking questions for #smfastfwd chats? Would be a nice connect

camerontoth: Nothing is worse than slow chat. I have moderated. It’s not fun.RT @eventsforgood: I love fast chats. Hour goes by so quickly!

ChatterBachs: I warned you! @BelindaK_PMA has flown by! I still need to eat! RT @eventsforgood: I love fast chats. The hour goes by so quickly!

ChatterBachs: Good! That’s what we wanted! @TahiraCreates: THANKS – feel reinvigorated

planetplanitbiz: @ASegar – Somehow I missed the chat but wouldn’t have kept up anyway – what speed today #smfastfwd

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. November 22, 2010 at 7:53 pm

    I love your tweetchats! Always great questions and conversations.

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