Why You Need to Attend #MCON 2016

Derrick Feldmann • Apr 22, 2016
MCON is a three-day event for leaders, activists, social entrepreneurs and students who want to change our world – for good. The conference includes remarkable sessions featuring world-renowned philanthropists, activists and entrepreneurs who’ll share their stories and approaches for motivating others to take action.

Top 4 Reasons to Attend

Here are four reasons why MCON 2016 is the must-attend conference of the year:

  1. Get the direction and resources to grow your passion
    • With over 25 different sessions, three-days of content and philanthropists from a variety of industries, MCON will give you the resources, networking and vision you need to grow your cause or idea for years to come. You’ll hear bold ideas, new ways of thinking and strategies to use now and in the future.
  2. Meet other successful philanthropists
    • Engage with thought leaders and make invaluable connections at MCON’s three block parties. You can also take a break in the MCON Lounge and network with other cause enthusiasts who will help you take your initiative to the next level.
  3. Hear the latest groundbreaking research
    • Since 2009, Achieve, in partnership with the Case Foundation, began an effort to understand the dynamics of the cause relationship between organizations and a new generation of donors and activists. The Millennial Impact Project has helped organizations, corporations and individuals worldwide understand the best approaches to cultivate interest and involvement with the Millennial generation. The 2016 Millennial Impact Report, which compares and contrasts how Millennials engage with nonprofit and political causes, will be released at MCON 2016. The implications of this research will be discussed at the Washington Post Live Political Town Hall.
  4. Get great value
    • There isn’t a more diverse, educational and innovative conference you can attend at such a low cost. Register now to turn your interest into action.


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