6 Fall Tasks For HOAs

September officially ushers in the fall season. It’s time to gather the board and make plans for the coming months. Fall is a great time for community holiday centered events. If your community is in the cold part of the country, the coming months can bring cold temperatures.

Here is a task list every HOA should implement while the weather is still mild.

1.       Maintenance & Repairs: Assess the common area buildings and exterior property needed after summer repairs and maintenance. It’s important for the board to start initiating work orders for any needed repairs on the exterior surfaces of the community.

2.       Plan Fall and Winter Lawn Maintenance with Landscape Vendor: The mowing schedule will change during the fall and winter. Summer season flowers or shrubs may need to be replaced. Mulch and other ground maintenance may need to be put in place for the fall season. In the off-season residents, visitors, realtors, and prospective buyers will notice an unkept community during the winter. It is important for the HOA board to have new schedules and changes put in place until spring rolls around.

3.       Fall and Winter Amenities Preparation: Swimming pools, golf courses, playgrounds, and other amenities need to be prepared for the cooler months. If your HOA closes the pool during extreme snow or cold, it is important to schedule this with your pool company. If your HOA is shortening hours for outdoor recreation areas due to shorter daylight hours, it is important to notify residents of changes and closings.

4.       Plan for Fall and Holiday Activities: Add a planning session to your board meeting agenda for holiday events, fall festivals, holiday parties, and community gatherings. Plan well in advance to give the community plenty of time to add events to their busy holiday schedule. Consider community entrance decorations and expenditures for holiday related costs. Notify residents in advance of any specific rules pertaining to holiday gatherings.

5.       Community Safety Changes During Fall and Winter: If your community has a security vendor or security guard, the hours may change due to shorter days. During the holidays there may be visitors parking throughout the streets of the community. Designate parking for community events. Assess streetlights in the community, community emergency lighting, community entrance lighting, and lighting around the common areas and amenities. Notify residents of any policies regarding property decorations and lighting. It is important to be aware of holiday decoration safety issues around Halloween and Christmas.

6.       End of Year Budgeting: As things begin to slow and the fiscal year comes to an end, preparing for the New Year is essential. HOA boards should have next year’s important items on the agenda and begin advance planning for large additions, community expenditures or major projects slated for the spring season.

Fall brings excitement leading up to the holidays. HOAs should always put safety first and make this time of year enjoyable for all residents. We hope this task list will help your association or management team provide a safe holiday season for everyone in the community.