Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

OK, I've read Jonathan Livingston Seagull maybe 20 times in the last 30 years. And I've always loved it. But reading the blurb on the back, much as I wanted to be one of the "people who know there's more to this whole living thing than meets the eye", I was more the type that would just "simply escape into delightful adventure about freedom and flight". I wanted to be able to apply what Jonathan knew to my life, but the connection was never there. It was a lovely story, inspirational and moving, but it didn't relate to my life.

Until this time, the 21st time.

This time it resonated deeply with my efforts in recent years to no longer live a life based in fear, to be bold enough to leave security and comfort for truth and understanding, to make my own decisions about my life no matter how my friends and family worried about me.

And what I realized is, that I came to this place because I had a teacher, a Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Her name is Dr. Laura Tracy, PhD & MSW, at the Center for Adult Development. Her guidance to me helped me realize that I'm "an unlimited idea of freedom, an image of the Great Gull".

And just as those seagulls listening didn't understand Fletcher when he said that, and so he decided to just start with level flight, the practical stuff, so Laura helped me. She also started with the practical stuff - she talked to me about how to handle anxious situations and be aware of what I was feeling and observe myself as I went about my life.

And from those practical instructions, an new understanding of life was born, a feeling of compassion for all of us struggling here on this earth, doing the best that we can with what we have. An awareness of being a tiny part of the whole immense drama of the cosmos, which let me step outside of being immersed in my own life, needing to be the center of my own story. Her teachings and intelligent kindness opened up new worlds for me, new interests and passions and friends, and ultimately a new life. I will be forever grateful for that.

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