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A Higher Logic Hello: Meet Nanette King

We recently sat down with Nanette King, senior recruiter at Higher Logic, for a quick Q&A to learn a little more about her outside of the workplace. 

We recently sat down with Nanette King, senior recruiter at Higher Logic, for a quick Q&A to learn a little more about her outside of the workplace. From her first job to what she would choose as her superpower, the answers are all below!

How long have you been at Higher Logic? A wee bit over a year…  

Where are you located? Smyrna, GA. I’m right outside Atlanta.  

What is your favorite thing about your job? Sharing what we do and why we do it with a candidate. I also love talking about our cultural journey. 

What was your very first job? TACO VIVA in Fort Lauderdale! We put Taco Bell to shame! Miami Subs gobbled up all the stores and that was the end. ☹ 

What do you like to do outside of work? I play trombone and tennis. I’m also trying to up my gardening game. I started experimenting during the earlier part of the pandemic. It has been a modest success, but it is fun trying.  

Favorite sports team (if applicable)? Sooners, Seminoles, Broncos 

If you weren’t in People Ops, what would be your dream job? Selling COLD water on a HOT beach! 

If you could choose, what superpower would you want?  Float! I know it sounds funny and I can always buy a wet suit, but I have never been able to float.  

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? I have been fortunate to have done a fair amount of travel. I have not been able to get to Asia. I’ve had two trips planned and they both fell apart at the last minute.  

If you could go back and talk to your 18-year-old self, what would you say? “A tail… really?” 

If you are married and/or have kids? What are their names? My wife, Susan and I have been married for many years. We have had several fur kids along the way, but currently are empty-nesters. 

Are you involved with any charities? Somewhat. I am on the national board for the Pride Bands Alliance (and locally a member of the Atlanta Freedom Bands). Pride Bands is an international network of LGBTQ+ community concert, stage, and marching bands. Our motto is Music. Visibility. Pride.  

Any other fun facts? I was in The Pride of Oklahoma Marching Band and love going back for Alumni Band during homecoming.  

Now for a little quickfire…  

Ice cream or cake? Cake 

Cats or dogs? Dogs 

Summer or winter? Winter 

Morning or evening? Evening 

TV shows or movies? TV shows (Loving Reservation Dogs!) 

A night out or a night in? Depends on the season 

Cannonball into the pool or dip a toe in first? Need more information. Heated pool?? Cannonball! 

Have your own Netflix account or use somebody else’s? OWN! 

Go-to karaoke song? I am a car karaoke type… Sade’s “Soldier of Love”… best opening lyric ever. “I’ve lost the use of my heart, but I’m still alive…” WHAT??!  “Sowing the Seeds of Love” by Tears for Fears is lonnnng, but that’s the challenge. Also, Benjamin Booker’s “Violent Shiver.”  I like LOTS of songs, but always sing along to those.  

Drive or fly? Fly 

Laura Craft