Festive Holiday Event Ideas for HOAs

As the holiday season approaches, homeowners’ associations (HOAs) have an excellent opportunity to foster community spirit and create lasting memories for residents. By organizing festive holiday events, HOAs can encourage community interaction and make the holidays even more special for everyone.

Here's a list of some engaging holiday event ideas for HOAs to consider:

1. Host a Holiday Potluck: Celebrate the holidays with community events that cater to all ages. Host a holiday dinner or potluck. Invite residents to bring their favorite holiday dish or dessert to share. As a special treat for the kids, have someone dress up as Santa, or hire a Santa if it is within the HOA budget.

2. Plan a Tree Lighting Ceremony: Lighten up your community by setting up a tree in the common area of the community. There may be volunteers with musical talents who will play instrumental holiday music.

3. Have a Holiday Decoration Contest: Homeowners love to decorate their homes for the holidays. Engage more residents and start a little friendly competition by offering a prize or award for the best decorated home. Let neighbors in on the voting.

4. Host a Holiday Cookie Party: This is much easier than a dinner. Provide hot chocolate and holiday punch. Ask residents to bake cookies and bring extra to share. Encourage bakers to bring enough for residents to take a few cookies home.

5. Host a Holiday Game Night and White Elephant Gift Exchange: Set a reasonable limit for gifts to make it fun and affordable for attendees.

6. Christmas Caroling: Ask a resident on each street to plan music and Christmas caroling.

Remember, HOAs are important to the community on every holiday. HOAs should plan for the holidays in the budget. Setting up an events committee with committed members will contribute to the success of the events.