Artificial intelligence for associations: A real-world example

artificial intelligence associations

Using Nimble AMS, associations are beginning to use AI to tackle common challenges. Here’s a real-life example.

It’s a good bet that you’ve heard of artificial intelligence (AI). It’s technology that mimics human “thinking” using complex algorithms. Companies like Netflix and Amazon have set the standard for AI, using it to connect with consumers and provide the highly personalized experiences that we’ve all come to expect.

AI for associations

AI is a must-do for associations. As for-profit companies provide increasingly personalized experiences using AI to meet consumer expectations, your members will expect the same in more areas of their lives ― including their experience with your association.
That’s all well and good, you might say. But, is using AI feasible for associations? Yes! It certainly is.

Old-school AMS systems typically do not support AI. But using a modern, Salesforce platform-based association management system like Nimble AMS, which leverages Salesforce Einstein AI technology, associations can become smarter, more predictive and in tune with what today’s members need, expect, and want. They can use Einstein to automate processes, give guidance, and make predictions and then empower staff with tools to act upon what it finds.
Your association can use this type of AI technology to do things like:

  • Use predictive analytics to determine which event location will bring in the highest number of registrations.
  • Create a familiar (and effective) Amazon-like shopping experience that recommends new purchases based on past behaviors and “what other members like you purchased” to increase non-dues revenues.
  • Help members find answers through personalized content, predicting the answers that members are looking for, and providing that information proactively.
  • Automate aspects of member service, such as answering/assisting with common questions via a chat bot to provide immediate response 24/7, freeing up staff to help with more complex inquiries.

AI in the real-world

Using Nimble AMS, associations are piloting Salesforce Prediction Builder, which enables true point-and-click AI. Let’s look at a real-life example of a Nimble AMS customer using this AI tool to tackle a challenge many associations face: lapsed membership.

This association was seeing about one thousand lapsed members each month, and it was taking staff members too long to try to reconnect with those lost members. Their goals:

  • Increase member retention by 5 percent by identifying individuals likely to lapse and targeting them with specific actions that might cause them to renew.
  • Reduce membership and IT staff time by 20 hours using Einstein to discover patterns of behavior that empower quicker, smarter decision making.

Through Nimble AMS, the organization used Einstein Prediction Builder to create a prediction. Prediction Builder guides you each step of the way to set up the details of the prediction, including what you want to predict and on which data fields the prediction should be based. It even lets you know the quality of the prediction you’ve built and if you should consider refining the data fields.

Once the association rolled out the AI process and trained staff on it, it was then easy for the association’s staff to see warning signals for members at risk of lapsing.

When an at-risk member was discovered, the team member was presented with actionable steps to take with the member. For example, if the member was in a certain age group, they could be offered one incentive, while other age groups were offered another. This means the staff could personalize the incentive based on age and other important demographics. Additionally, they had a dashboard view of risk categories to keep a pulse on the overall health of the organization’s membership.

So, what are you waiting for? Isn’t it time your association leveraged AI?

Nimble AMS makes AI a reality for today’s associations. Learn more about how Nimble AMS can help your organization become more efficient and more in tune with what members want by scheduling a demo with us today.

Learn more about why Nimble AMS is the most in-demand AMS built on the Salesforce CRM platform.

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