Is it time to boost your association’s ROI with a technology upgrade?

Is your association planning to upgrade its technology to a modern software solution? If so, you’re among good company. The latest Community Brands Research reports 65% of association professionals and 63% of members agree that professional membership and trade organizations that don’t transform technologically within the next few years won’t survive.  
The same study identifies that 50% of association professionals believe their organization isn’t keeping up with the pace of technology and it’s holding them back. However, of the association professionals who said they plan on increasing their IT budget, 72% report they feel technologically prepared for the future.  
How does your association compare? Is it time to consider updating your current software solution? If your aging software isn’t helping your organization’s return on investment, then it’s likely time for a technology upgrade.  
Read our blog for even more reasons why your organization should prioritize adopting modern association management software (AMS) 

5 ways investing in innovative technology can boost your ROI 

Are you ready to see a return on your technology investment? Choose modern association management software for your organization and you can expect the following benefits:

1. A boost in member engagement. When you have technology that aims to improve the member experience, members are less likely to lapse or forget to renew their memberships. Look for an AMS that automates key processes with membership renewal, like streamlining membership email reminders and encouraging members to automatically renew their memberships.  

Consider an AMS that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and predictive analytics to customize the member experience. Based on past member behavior, your association can personalize the member experience by offering career insights, customized association events, learning materials, and learning content. When you provide personalized options, your members are more likely to engage in your organization, boosting your ROI.

2. Elimination of data silos. Data silos can hurt your association causing outdated information, a reporting breakdown, security issues, and a disjointed member experience. But when you leverage modern technology, you can easily avoid data silos.

Choose a modern AMS to invest in innovative reporting with user-friendly dashboards for your entire organization, including key stakeholders like your board and essential committee members. With modern technology, all staff can get involved in improving the state of your member data. With quality reporting, you can stay on track to exceed your goals and increase your ROI.

3. An increase in staff retention. Does your organization offer technology training? If not, you might want to reconsider. According to Forrester, 80% of employees say they’d stay in their job if they were trained in technology. However, only 47% of employees report receiving any data training from their employer. 

Look for an AMS that offers easy data and skills training options for all your staff. A training platform with engaging content elements like self-paced learning, interactive assessments, learning paths, and gamification elements will ensure your employees upskill quickly.

4. Become a data-driven organization. When you choose a modern AMS, you’ll be on track to transform the entire culture of your organization. Does your association value technology and data-literacy? With innovative software your entire staff can easily become a data-driven organization.

Creating a data-driven work culture is positive for your staff, members, and ROI. You’re more likely to recruit new employees and members when you embrace innovative technology and its practices. Consider celebrating your new AMS by embracing and supporting DEI initiatives.

5. Continuous innovation. There is great financial value for software that offers continuous innovation. Modern AMS technology can save you significant costs on software upgrades. It also provides opportunities for staff to evolve with your technology, learning as software develops.

Investing in innovative technology is one of the best ways to future proof your organization because it offers continuous updates, helping you enhance your staff and member experience and boost your ROI.

Discover more ways to boost your association’s ROI

Innovative technology boosts ROI and saves your organization money. Read our whitepaper to learn even more ways modern association management software (AMS) will enhance your organization: Your association's essential guide to generating revenue.

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