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What Is an AMS?

Maybe you've heard the term "association management system" before, but what exactly is an AMS? Raise your hand if...

  • You’re currently using a spreadsheet to manage your organization’s membership
  • You have disparate systems in place to manage your organization’s membership (one for email, one for event registrations, one for your website/content management system, etc.)
  • You’re doing just about everything manually - sending invoices, collecting (and processing) payments, sending dues renewal reminder emails, etc.
If you raised your hand for any of these scenarios it might be time to consider an association management system, or AMS for short. Learn even more in this guide!

What exactly IS an AMS, you ask?

Well in our free guide, we'll explain:

  • How an AMS can help you AND your organization
  • What features are commonly included
  • Signs you need to start looking for an AMS
  • And more!

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Get in touch to learn more about MemberClicks - software designed for the unique needs of associations, chambers and nonprofits.

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Membership Software that Clicks for Your Needs

Get in touch to learn more about MemberClicks - software designed for the unique needs of  associations, chambers and nonprofits. If you’re looking to create a better member experience, save staff time and reduce costs, let us match you with the perfect tools today!
