How to Choose the Right Event Technology Provider for Your Association: 16 Essential Questions for Vendors

Selecting the best event technology for your association is crucial for creating engaging events and meetings for your members. But with so many different vendors on the market, trying to make sense of all your options is often overwhelming. 

That’s why asking the right questions upfront is essential to finding a provider that aligns with the goals and objectives of your events program.

Looking for guidance in choosing your association’s event technology provider? This guide will equip you with 16 key questions to ask potential vendors, ensuring you find the perfect partner and the best event platform for your association.

The Importance of the Right Event Tech

Delivering an exceptional attendee experience is vital. Events play a key role in engaging your members, generating revenue, and achieving organizational goals. But attendees have become more intentional with how they spend their time, requiring associations to craft even more memorable experiences that motivate participation. 

The good news is that the right event technology can empower you to deliver better event experiences, increase member engagement, and achieve your overall objectives.

Attendees at an industry event talking to an EventMobi team member to learn more about the event technology provider.

16 Key Questions to Ask Event Tech Vendors

In the planning phase, it is important to take a close look at your event’s objectives and understand what different stakeholders hope to gain from their involvement. 

Event technology has become indispensable to make a professional impression on your members and deliver value to your sponsors and exhibitors. By asking event tech vendors the right questions, you can confidently navigate the process and make an informed decision.

Want more tips on how to evaluate event tech providers? Download the Event Technology Buyer’s Guide for Associations now.

1. Can your event platform help me achieve [specific goal]?

Start by identifying the specific goals you want to achieve, such as increasing member engagement, driving more revenue from events, or helping members earn CE credits. The types of events you run will determine which features and capabilities you need from an event tech vendor. Ask the provider how their solution can directly address your needs.

2. Is this product designed for association events like mine?

Not all event technology solutions are created equal. Some may be designed for specific industries or event formats. Ensure the provider’s product is flexible enough to support your meeting and event requirements.

3. Can you share case studies of similar organizations using this product?

Case studies provide valuable insights into how the solution has been implemented at similar events and the results that were achieved. They can also help you convince other stakeholders of the technology’s value and help get your budget approved. Ask the vendor to share relevant case studies or customer stories so you can better understand the product’s capabilities and potential impact.

4. Will the platform integrate with my existing tools?

Your association likely uses an association management software (AMS) or a CRM tool.
Choosing event management software that seamlessly integrates with your existing tech stack makes it easier to manage your event data and create a consistent experience for attendees. Ask about the provider’s off-the-shelf integrations and their ability to facilitate custom integrations and any associated costs.

5. How can the platform help me promote my events and register attendees?

The first step to running successful association events is getting your members (and potential members!) excited to register and attend. That means you need an eye-catching event website that encourages members to register, entices non-members to sign up, and makes it easy for them to do so via the right registration solution.

Customizable registration forms are crucial for capturing relevant attendee data and accommodating different participant types–especially for large events with a variety of attendees (e.g., members, non-members, sponsors, exhibitors, and speakers). Learn about the provider’s registration capabilities, including payment options and potential processing fees.

6. How do attendees access the platform?

Ensure the event platform is readily accessible for all of your members and attendees. Ask about supported devices, apps, and web browsers, as well as any limitations on the number of admins or users.

Be sure you understand how attendees can access the platform and which devices are supported (i.e., iPhone, Android, tablet, laptop).

7. What sponsorship opportunities does the platform facilitate?

Events offer a valuable opportunity to drive non-dues revenue for your association. Ask about the platform’s capabilities to promote your sponsors and partners. For instance, does it support banner ads? Can your sponsor companies create robust profiles?

Explore how the platform can facilitate sponsorships, such as through additional brand exposure opportunities or extended content availability, and how easily it can help you prove sponsor ROI.

Or, does this platform offer additional tools you can resell to your exhibitors and sponsors? Many associations offer Exhibitor Lead Capture to earn non-dues revenue and offset the cost of running their events.

8. What engagement and networking features do you offer?

Interactive features like live chat, anonymous Q&A, polls, and activity feeds can significantly enhance attendee engagement and increase networking opportunities. Evaluate the provider’s engagement features and ensure they can support event goals.

9. How user-friendly is the platform?

A user-friendly platform is essential for ensuring high adoption rates among your attendees. Ask about the platform’s intuitiveness and evaluate its UI yourself to decide how steep the learning curve will be for different groups of attendees.

10. Does your platform support ongoing member engagement?

One of your event goals is likely to increase member retention. You should ask potential event tech providers if their platform can be used to drive member engagement in the downtime between large events. Find out how you can use their platform year-round to continue to provide value to members, keep them engaged, and promote your annual conference so you don’t have to start your marketing back from zero each year. 

For example, can the platform help you drive member engagement by offering a persistent home for networking and learning? Can you use it to host videos, interactive livestream sessions, and smaller networking or training events?

11. Is your platform compliant with data security standards?

Data security and privacy should be a top priority when handling attendee information. Ask the provider about their security measures and compliance with industry standards such as SOC 2.

12. How can I protect my content?

If you plan to share valuable content or resources through the event platform, it’s essential to understand the provider’s content protection measures, such as access controls, passwords, or login requirements.

13. How does your pricing work?

Event technology pricing models vary from provider to provider, and may be based on the number of users, or the number of events., Some vendors may offer subscription pricing, or charge extra for additional features. Be sure to uncover any add-ons so you can be confident the vendor’s pricing aligns with your budget and requirements.

14. Do you offer any additional services?

Many providers offer additional services to their event platform, such as live attendee support, graphic design, data management, or event production. Ask about these services and their associated costs, as they can help alleviate the workload for your team.

15. What kind of support do you offer, and when is it available?

Reliable customer support is crucial, especially during your event. Ask about the provider’s support channels (chat, email, phone), availability hours, and any additional training or resources offered.

“I would say the biggest benefit of using EventMobi is the support. [Our EventMobi Event Specialist] was really knowledgeable and quick. A lot of things are time-sensitive if something goes wrong, and she was there every time. She was also a great resource for creative ideas on how to best use the app to achieve our event goals.”

— Rachel Lyon, Manager, Conference & Events, CSAE

16. What’s on your product development roadmap?

Technology evolves rapidly, and you’ll want to ensure the provider is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. Ask about their product development roadmap and any upcoming features or enhancements that could benefit your event.

Choosing an Event Technology Provider Shouldn’t Be Overwhelming

Your event technology can significantly impact the outcome of your event. Partnering with the right event technology vendor will allow you to create the right attendee experience, from the moment they register to how they participate in sessions or engage with content post-event. By asking the essential questions listed above, you’ll gain valuable insights into each provider’s capabilities, features, and overall fit for your event goals and objectives

If you’re in the market for an event technology provider that can support your organization’s goals for your events program, get in touch to learn more about whether EventMobi is the right event platform for you!

Interested in learning more about EventMobi? Book your personalized demo of EventMobi’s event management platform today!