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Membership Software

5 Best Practices for Your Learning Management System

Marlena Moore July 17, 2023
Table of Contents
4 min read

What is an LMS? 

A learning management system, also known as LMS, is an essential tool for associations, chambers and nonprofits that provide online education programs for their members. Organizations using an LMS enhance their member engagement, streamline learning processes and maximize benefits for members. Stay with us to learn the following in this blog: 

What makes a good LMS

Your learning management system makes your life easier and offers huge benefits to your members. A good LMS is easy to learn, seamlessly integrates with your AMS, provides individual learning paths, securely stores your documents and of course, tracks user progress. Keep in mind, the experience YOU have with your LMS should be just as beneficial as your members’ experience with the LMS. 

Choosing the best LMS for your organization   

It’s a no-brainer that an LMS is needed for most professional associations, but also in some cases nonprofits and chambers. So, how do you pick the right one? The LMS that fits your organization should have all the essential elements AND fit your budget. You should evaluate how you will be using your LMS and who will benefit most from its capabilities. We’ve outlined everything you should think about when evaluating your LMS options in our helpful blog, Choosing the Best LMS for Your Organization. 

We thought to give you a great stat on how many LMSs there are to choose from. We found stats ranging from 500 to 1,000… so won’t quote a source due to inconsistency. You get the idea though. Let’s move on to features and integrations – considerations critical to choosing the right LMS from the pool of options. 

Must have features in your LMS 

To ensure your LMS is serving you and your members effectively, make a check list of your must-have features. Our top features focus on the user experience. The ideal learning experience your members have will be engaging as well as easy to navigate. Members will be able to learn at their own pace and track their progress. 

The right LMS will be as easy for you and your team to use as it is for members! Assessments will easy-to-build. Your admins feel peace of mind knowing your content is safely stored in a secure digital space. Accessing analytics about your users is key and will be another must-have feature of your software. Don’t forget about the number 1 LMS feature: integration

Integration with your AMS

In a perfect world, your organization’s association management software (AMS) will integrate with your LMS. You use your AMS every day for all things related to your organization. Having a seamless integration and single-sign-on will make your life easier as an administrator. Are you a MemberClicks user? We have an LMS that integrates perfectly called Classroom.   

5 tips and best practices for your Learning Management System 

Implementing best practices will help you optimize your LMS and create a valuable learning experience for your members. Your content should be organized. Ask yourself the following questions: Is it members only? Available to the public? Organized assets will be easier for you to manage and simpler for your members to access.  

Utilize your member data 

You can learn more about your members by tracking their activity in your LMS. In Classroom, you have access to insightful analytics in a high-level dashboard and detailed reports. Using this information allows you to better understand your members, their preferences and interests. This will allow you to plan future events that your members will appreciate, introduce new programs, guide future courses and increase member engagement and satisfaction.  

Meet member needs   

Your members want a way to grow professionally, and Classroom is where they can do so. The courses you create allow your members to learn for fun, obtain continuing education units (CEUs) and even gain certifications. The ability to do so digitally allows members to learn at their own pace and take courses from the comfort of their own home. An LMS provides resources that fit your member’s personal goals and they will thank you for it. 

Earn non-dues revenue  

Non-dues revenue is the favorite of many when looking at how to get the most from your learning management software. You can do this in a variety of ways. One of the most popular is through gated content. Charging a small fee for members (and maybe more for non-members) to access your content and programs is easily done. Plus, you can sell sponsorship of your courses for even more non-dues revenue. 

Utilizing your LMS Beyond the Traditional  

Once you’ve implemented the perfect LMS for your organization, you should ensure you’re utilizing ALL aspects of the software. Consider what you can do with your LMS beyond the standard learning program for members. You can use this software for career development, onboarding, a resource library and more! Check out 5 Creative Ways to Use Your Learning Management System to learn more about how to get the maximum value from your LMS. 

Learning Management System Demo   

To see what a learning management system can do for your organization, we invite you to explore our LMS, Classroom. Discover how Classroom can transform your educational programs and provide an engaging experience for your members. Start delivering quality content and get your members learning today! 

Free Member Retention Guide

Ready to retain members and keep them coming back forever and ever? This guide will teach you everything you need to know about member retention. We cover all the basics, like the first steps to member retention and how to map out your member journey. From there, we dive a bit deeper into retention tips.
