Let’s admit it: most eLearning just plain sucks! The sad reality is that most eLearning courses require learners to sit through a disappointing experience, where information is poorly organized, the content isn’t relevant, and the interactions seem contrived and without purpose. This is compounded even more when the slideshow-like presentation is interrupted with several poorly written quiz questions and cheesy animations to make it all seem “fun.”
In this session, we will explore many of the reasons why most eLearning fails and the components that contribute to bad eLearning design. we will also explore how bad eLearning design can negatively affect the learning experience. Finally, this session will walk you through several practical methods you can immediately apply to fix your bad eLearning courses.
In this session, you will learn:
- When to implement a blended learning approach
- Why clicking doesn’t make interactivity meaningful
- Why good eLearning requires more than instructional design
- Why knowledge and behavior aren’t mutually exclusive
...and more!
October 5th, 2021 at 9:30 am PDT, 12:30 pm EDT, 5:30 pm GMT
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