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How to Increase Your Association’s Email Deliverability: 12 Areas to Optimize + 3 Tech To-Dos

HighRoad Solution

Email open rates have dropped for most businesses – hovering around 25%. That means for every 1,000 emails that reach a company’s target audience’s inbox, 750 of them don’t get opened.

How To 345
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Walk a mile in your members’ shoes to identify areas for improvement.


Your members’ needs and expectations are always changing. Are you doing all you can to give them a stellar experience? What better way to find out than to walk a (virtual) mile in their shoes? Creating member journey maps is an effective way to see your members’ experience from their point of view. Journey maps. The post Walk a mile in your members’ shoes to identify areas for improvement. appeared first on YourMembership.


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Member Retention in 2019: Why They Leave & 3 Ways to Keep Them

Higher Logic

Member retention: it’s always on our minds. In 2019, how do you plan to get your members to stick around? When people face so many competing demands for time, attention, and money, this question is bigger than ever. The Membership Marketing Benchmark Report asked associations why they think members don’t renew. The two biggest reasons they mentioned, after “lack of engagement ” (37%) were: Members c ould not justify membership costs with any significant ROI ( 28% ).

Marketing 289
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5 Steps to Turning Strangers Into Members and Members Into Advocates

Wild Apricot

Follow these five steps from marketing strategist Amy Jacobus to bring your potential supporters down the marketing funnel and turn them into raving fans.

Marketing 725
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A Guide To Creating an RFP for a New AMS

Discover how to create an effective RFP for a new Association Management System. This comprehensive ebook walks you through how to create an efficient Request for Proposals (RFP) for Association Management Software (AMS). It offers key elements to include as well as crucial tips, and advice from seasoned AMS selection experts. Download today to learn how to get started with your AMS RFP.

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The Benefits of Micro-Credentials for Members, Employers & Your Association

WBT Systems

The Benefits of Micro-Credentials for Members, Employers & Your Association. Read more about The Benefits of Micro-Credentials for Members, Employers & Your Association.


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Make Newbies Feel Welcome!

Association Success

How to give new members a golden first experience and learn from their feedback. Remember the first time you went to an association event and how that felt? Nerve wracking for most! Making new members feel welcome at your association’s events is a smart investment of resources. Will it cost more to organize an onboarding program to your events now, or replace the member who won’t return because they had a negative first experience?

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Things We Should Not Have to Tell Members (But We Do)

Smooth The Path

Sometimes we have to tell people things we do not think we should have to say to them: The vibrant association is dynamic because members like you tell professionals like you all about the association. Your experiences in our industry or profession might be very different than our other members’ experiences. There is a lot of value in your membership, here let me show you.

Industry 223
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Study: Nonprofit Workers Stay Because They Want to Make a Difference

Associations Now

A new study shows that nonprofit employees find value in their work—a commitment that carries on through retirement. The mission of any nonprofit is to improve a community or advance a cause—and it’s this core value of making a difference that keeps three out of four employees and eight in 10 managers in the nonprofit world, according to a new study by TIAA , a financial services company specializing in the academic, research, medical, cultural, and government fields.

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Snapchat 101 for Associations


Snapchat could be just what you need to engage members or potential members – particularly young professionals. In the past, its younger user base and short-lived content may have left you unsure about adding this channel to your association’s social media strategy. But, it’s important to evaluate if (and how) it can help your organization reach its goals.

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Empower Your Nonprofit With Effective Payroll & HCM Services

Managing a nonprofit involves many challenges, but payroll and HR shouldn’t be among them. Our guide, "A Buyer’s Guide to Payroll & HCM Services," helps nonprofits choose the best provider. Efficient payroll services ensure timely, accurate payments, vital for maintaining staff and volunteer morale. Compliance support helps navigate complex labor laws and avoid costly fines.

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Does Your Association Have the CIO Mindset?


You never know where mayhem lurks in your association or nonprofit. On the surface, everything seems like business as usual. The IT department is busy keeping the network up and running. However, dig deeper and you can see problems looming. When it comes to technology, everyone does their own thing. Rather than dealing with IT, employees prefer to go out on their own to acquire the tools they need.

Software 169
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Find+Fix Your Culture Patterns

Jamie Notter

Since today is the last day of the year, I’m going to boil everything down for you. If I had to give ONE piece of advice to leaders who want to: get the most out of their organizations. attract and retain the best talent. beat the competition, or even make them irrelevant…. …it would be this: find and fix the patterns inside your culture that get in the way of your people being successful.

How To 168
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4 membership renewal strategies to start now


When you think of membership renewal strategies, you might think about the few months leading up to a member’s renewal date. But your members’ entire experience with your organization — not just the last 90 days — informs their decision to renew. From the moment they click the “join” button, your members are deciding if. The post 4 membership renewal strategies to start now appeared first on YourMembership.

Strategy 413
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What’s In It For Me? 5 Life-Changing Benefits of Volunteering

Higher Logic

“I would love to volunteer…but I just don’t have the time!” Sound familiar? Life is busy, no doubt. But isn’t it funny how you can hear someone say this, and then in the very next breath they’ll ask you if you’re caught up on the 10-hour Netflix series they just binge-watched? (Okay, I’m guilty too.) In a perfect world, we would all have the time and energy to volunteer our help to the causes in our community that we care most about (be it animal care, homelessness, continuing education, you nam

Wisconsin 415
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Don't Waste Another Minute Drafting Board Resolutions

Drafting board resolutions should not be draining your leadership’s time. This can impact both the flow of discussions and your overall decision-making. A board resolution is an important compliance document that records the votes and decisions on specific actions. Learn how you can get started with your board resolution by downloading our free template.

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Why Marketing Doesn’t Grow Communities (And Three Things You Can Do Instead)

Wild Apricot

Learn to grow your membership more easily with these three strategies from membership expert Joy Duling.

Marketing 582
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How to Select the Best Landing Page Software for Your Association

HighRoad Solution

All of your association’s goals depend on getting people to take action. You need new members to apply. You need current members to renew. You need people to attend your events. You need members to buy products or sign up for classes. You need advocates in your industry to mobilize for change. Smart associations know this doesn’t happen by chance, or by simply blasting members with emails.

Software 135
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Balancing Traditional and Trending Member Communications

Association Adviser

Finding balance can be a tricky endeavor. Too much (or too little) of any given thing on one side tips the scales and creates an uneven approach. This year’s Association Communications Benchmarking Study showed us that traditional forms of member communication – live events and print media – continue to be popular among associations and their members.

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Change Management: Show Me the Value

Association Success

Takeaways on value-based change from a recent ACE discussion. Associations Catalyzing Entrepreneurship (ACE) is a group made up of association executives and stakeholders who think outside the association box about the future. We have conversations about an entrepreneurial approach to association leadership and implement the resulting great ideas in our jobs.

Products 184
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Mastering Remote Onboarding: Proven Strategies for Seamless New Hire Integration

Speaker: Tim Buteyn, President of ThinkingKap Learning Solutions

Join this brand new webinar with Tim Buteyn to learn how you can master the art of remote onboarding! By the end of this session, you'll understand how to: Craft a Tailored Onboarding Checklist 📝 Develop a comprehensive, customized checklist that ensures every new hire has a smooth transition into your company, no matter where they are in the world.

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The Real Value of Associations for Members

Smooth The Path

What is the real value of associations for members? I have heard members say, “I felt very uncertain, even scared, about taking the next step in my career but, the association helped me be confident.” Or, “I was assigned a big project no one in our company had attempted but, I found help through the association.” I felt very unsure, and now I am more confident.

Project 149
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What Associations Can Learn from Sears’ Decline Into Bankruptcy

Associations Now

Sears was a company that effectively invented the retail economy, but it stayed stagnant in areas that didn’t benefit its business while moving away from areas where it could have kept up. Associations should take note. There are a few things to take away from Sears’ bankruptcy this week—among them, that its legacy looms large. Sears, Roebuck & Co. may be one of the most important companies in the history of retail , and the reasons that the company, formerly the largest retailer in the coun

Course 185
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Here’s How LinkedIn is a Powerful Association Tool


Many people know LinkedIn as being the number one professional networking platform that job seekers use as a great resource to find work. But, it’s not just a place to park your resume and connect with people – it is a must for associations who engage in social media. If you don’t have a company profile page, or if it is not being utilized to its full potential, these tips can help you get there.

Tools 159
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12 Questions for Better Meetings

Idea Architects

Meetings don't have to be monotonous, but ensuring they are engaging, productive, and efficient requires answering some questions at the start. Here are a dozen that I often draw on as a facilitator or meeting participant. They are not sexy. They are not earth-shattering. What they are is useful and all too often, not a part of effective meeting design.

Resources 126
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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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Single Culture or Multiple Cultures?

Jamie Notter

Nearly every organization we work with confronts an important question at some point in their culture journey: Should they strive for one, uniform culture? Or should they let multiple cultures develop inside the organization? The answer (as frustrating as this can be) is “both.”. In our work, we help organizations create a set of clear Culture Priorities.

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Digital badging: A win-win for associations and their learners.


When working to build a learning program that’s unlike anything offered elsewhere, it’s imperative for association professionals to have a good grasp on generational shifts and new technology, as well as the ability to embrace change. As part of this endeavor, key trends should be evaluated to determine what value they bring to a specific. The post Digital badging: A win-win for associations and their learners. appeared first on YourMembership.

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Purchasing New Association Technology

Higher Logic

Purchasing new technology is a big undertaking. There are so many platforms on the market, how do you wade through your choices to find just one that fits your association? You need to choose carefully: find a vendor that will support you and software that makes employees’ jobs easier. We’ve worked with hundreds of associations while they were knee deep in this process.

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The 10 Best Social Media Tools for Nonprofits That Save Time and Money (2018 Update)

Wild Apricot

Here are the 10 best social media tools for nonprofits to save time (and money) scheduling, managing, and optimizing their social networks.

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How to Create a Winning Event Marketing Strategy

Events hold the power to create lasting impressions and meaningful connections. They are not only occasions for celebration but also valuable marketing opportunities. Event marketing has become an essential component of successful business strategies, enabling organizations to engage with their target audience and create memorable experiences. However, behind every successful event lies a well-thought-out marketing strategy.

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5 Ways Your Association Can Use Marketing Automation To Grow

HighRoad Solution

There are specific actions that associations need people to take to meet their core goals – typically membership and revenue. For associations to “stay in business,” they need people to become members, remain members, sign up for programs, buy products, and register for events. Association marketing is all about getting members, prospective members, sponsors, and event registrants to take those actions.

Marketing 134
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The Young Professional – Tracking down the Future Leaders of Your Association

Association Adviser

Part 4 of our 2017 Association Communications Benchmarking Study series. Acknowledging a challenge is the first step to finding a solution. This year, more than 50 percent of associations said that engaging young professionals is one of their Top 5 communication challenges. So good job, you are on your way! Sixty-three percent of associations feel offering leadership development and events for the next generation of professionals is extremely important.

Charlotte 174
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Quick and Easy Tips For Revamping Your Association

Association Success

Make your work more effective one project at a time. Revamping can revitalize and grow all aspects of your organization. There are unlimited ways that the concept of revamping can be used in the association arena. However, it comes with risk and uncertainty. To help you prepare for this process, I have compiled a checklist of things to think about as you embark on any kind of revamp.

Tips 153